Even if they had $6 billion, could the UN end world hunger without sexually abusing starving children in exchange for food?

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By J. Kb

10 thoughts on “I have a better question than Elon”
  1. The “UNITED NATIONS” couldn’t pour piss out of a boot with the instructions on the heel…

    Worlds worst bureaucrats and crooked wannabe politicians. Really. Truly. Absolutely.

  2. It seems like the concept of a one-time/one action solution to _any_ large problem is just a child’s magical thinking.

    They never listen to Thomas Sowell’s question: And then what?

  3. It’s $6b ‘more’… then a few more billion…. and a few billion after that. Hunger won’t decrease at all but the WFP offices will get more staff and nice new chairs and computers.

  4. Read the responses. It’s always the same thing with socialists- they have the answer, and it always involves spending someone else’s money and not their own.
    For example:

    Imagine, just take Georgia (USA) for an example. Boxbl Homes (you own one) are $50k each. You could create a Massive homeless complex able to hold 20,000 units per $1b *discounting installation and utilities. There are 552,830 homeless in the US. It would take $28b with some change for you to personally solve the US housing crisis. 100% eliminate homelessness in the US.

    I asked him how much of his own money he has put towards this project. Of course, none. He expects everyone else to pay for it.

    1. The USA doesnt have a “housing crisis”. We have an ignorance crisis. I have a personal theory that many (not ALL) “homeless” are homeless because they WANT to be. And this was backed up by a personal friend who is a directer of a homeless shelter. There were articles in newspapers here recently about many “homeless” having bank accounts with $20K or MORE in them. ANY gubmint program isnt about solving problems its about enrichment of employees of gubmint. Housing, food, health care are commodities not RIGHTS. Its always been up to YOU to provide those things for you and yours. Asking gubmint to take from one and give to another or just provide is modern day slavery

      1. The long-term “homeless” are people who prefer not having any responsibilities and people who have destroyed every relationship they could call on for help getting back on their feet. Drugs can contribute to either motivation.

  5. The problem with hunger has nothing to do with availability of food, nor does it have anything to do with money.

    It is all about politics, power, and keeping the undesirables down, or stuck in some unproductive part of the world. Fix that, and everyone can get enough to eat.

    How many millions of tons of food did we send to east Africa after the We are the World charity efforts? And, what portion of that food actually made it to the starving? (HINT: A lot, and not much if any)

    Money is not going to help in any way.

    Although, it is some epic level of trolling to offer up the $6B with conditions of transparency. Musk knows full well the majority of the funding will get siphoned off to things other than feeding people.

  6. Politics. It’s ALL ABOUT the acquisition of and application of power.

    Nothing more. Nothing less.

    Nowhere in my carefully curated definition does it say anything about good or evil or right or wrong or even mention accountability…

    Believe it.

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