” and replace the law enforcement agency with “a community-led public safety system.””

It’s Official: Minneapolis City Council Votes Unanimously to Abolish Police

So what happens when these new Community-Led Public Safety individuals get sued for violations of Civil Rights? And I mean rightfully or wrongfully, Who is gonna cover the costs?

Or are they going to be scrutinized in a different form, not just like everybody else and perhaps give them some protection above to what is given to the regular citizen?

You say it.. 🙂

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

6 thoughts on “I have a question for Minneapolis”
  1. So, they just empowered the neighborhood watch to take the law into their own hands? Gee…. no possibility of abuse there. (HINT: The same people who fight tooth and nail to be the President of the HOA so they can tell you what color your house should be, are going to enforce the laws as well.)

    1. Yeah I agree the police is probably in need of reform or scaling back in some areas, but they seem to be going from bad to worse here.

  2. Let the bodies hit the floor
    Let the bodies hit the floor
    Let the bodies hit the floor
    Let the bodies hit the floor

  3. They’ll end up DEAD when they try to come on someones private property, and enforce ANY RULE THEY HAVE, because they have NO LEGAL AUTHORITY, to deny the citizens their constitutional rights!! THIS is EXACTLY what they will try to do, mark my words! So I say, SHOOT EVERY FUCKING ONE OF THEM, when they try to enforce ANY illegal rule…. Then sue th bastards personally, because, the counsel is as responsible as the city mayor, and government!!! I give it 2 weeks, before it turns to absolute chaos, and death in the streets…. CALL IN THE SEALS… remove every fucking one of them, that was involved…. NO QUARTER!!!! That’s what they want to do to any other citizen…. KILL THEM ALL…. Let GOD sort ’em out!!!

  4. When the insanity ends, and they decide getting rid of the police was a really bad idea (yeah I know we’re talking about libs here, will take a while) just who are they going to get to do the policing? The present officers will either leave for another community, or will have joined private security firms. Who in their right mind would want to come to Minneapolis to work for these flakes?

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