By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

8 thoughts on “I hear some of you may be experiencing cold weather”
  1. ????????????????
    Ppppppsssssstttttt! Satuday am 0! Friday am 6! Thursday 8! Several places here were -teens & -20s last 7 days…
    Nice catch.

  2. I dont mind the heat, once I aclimate to it. Im fortunate that we can take “snow” days when weather is crap so that makes winter a wee bit more tolerable

  3. Tomorrow’s hour-by-hour forecast has some variation of “snow” all day. We already have 6″ on the ground.

    But it’s still better than ’77/’78.

    And no snow days, because we’ve been working from home the last year.

  4. 24″ of snow here. Thanks for the kick in the nutz! At least my boys and I have snowboards and a half mile driveway to the bottom of my property, otherwise I don’t think I’d be smiling! I should be wearing short sleeves again by, say, end of May….

  5. I have not seen snow in over 20 years beyond looking at the snow on mountains I have no desire to climb.

    You get hurricanes and floods, we dry out and get set on fire.

  6. Bite me, Miguel!!!! lol!!!!!

    18fuckingbdegrees here in Southeast Texas….. Fuck this!!!

    I swore I’d never go through that shirt after being stationed in this crap for years, I retire, I thought I moved far enough away….

    Screw this…. I’m hibernating!!! lol!!!

    Nice bass, I get them a tad bigger here, most of the time…. I do miss walleye fishing though. Was my favorite fish, and meal….

    I’ll get to go again some day… Hopefully…. Lake Erie maybe? GREAT fishing for walleye there!!!

    Oh well…. Stay warm you bass- turd!!!! lol!!!!



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