She is an example of the people that will help control your future if the Enemy wins next Tuesday.

Yes, I called them enemies. No American would wish rape and death upon children.

“…. Foreign and Domestic.”

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

5 thoughts on ““I hope all of your children get raped and killed””
  1. It’s best to remain civilized with your threats, cuz once your enemy learns that he doesn’t have to be civilized either… it can get ugly.

    1. “beware the anger of a patient man”.

      And, there is Correia’s rheostat-vs-switch analogy: “vote, or flip that switch to kill all those assholes”.

      I prefer vote, but I don’t intend to enter Valhalla alone.

  2. “ No American would wish rape and death upon children.”

    They do not consider themselves Americans. They just happen to live in the United States and have the rights and privileges of American citizens.

    They want everyone not like them dead and would have no problem with the complete and total extermination of the entire United States population. Minus themselves of course. Because to them the only good American citizen is a dead American citizen and the best thing ever is the deaths of all American citizens. To them that is the morally justified and righteous thing. Because they’re always right about everything no matter what. Nuclear carpet bombing the country to exterminate 300 million people is the right thing to do. That is how these people think. I thought this was obvious.

    I cannot even begin to comprehend the mental gymnastics involved to think like that. But they don’t really think; it’s more like computer programming.

  3. The rhetoric is purposely as incendiary as can be, not because the people saying it actually care about the specifics. Their only goal is to goad on the other side to step over a legal and media defined line, so they can then use that as ammo. Disturbed people yes, but always know this is a specific strategy meant to chip away at public support, once someone takes the bait. Don’t take the bait.

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