By J. Kb

5 thoughts on “I know where I’m going for my next degree”
  1. I swear, sometimes I think Elon Musk is a reincarnation of Howard Hughes, with a big dollop of modern day trolling tossed in.

  2. I thought his “Space Program” was a joke, and he was just another Government Graft Grifter like Solyndra. Now he is launching rockets on a regular basis, while the Professionals at Boeing and SLS cannot even get a second test rocket off the ground.

    I was wrong.

    1. As I see it, the people at Boeing lost the right to the tag “professional” around the time they created the MCAS system.
      To use an anachronism, that was a fine piece of Alec Baldwin engineering.

  3. I was going to the Spartan School of Aviation when they changed their name briefly to the Spartan Higher Institute of Technology. One day of students chanting we’re SHIT resulted in the name changing to the Spartan College of Aviation and Technology. As the school mascot was a black cat thought it was fitting even if i couldn’t understand what the college president was thinking.

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