And before you at me with “socialist redistribution!”

The United States Federal Government and the government of forty-nine states recommended and ordered the shutdown and lockdown of small businesses while exempting big box stores, Amazon, and home delivery services as essential.

They picked the winners and losers.  They effectively centrally planned our economy.

It should also be noted that the people who profited the most from this are all donors to the party that has been the most insistent about lockdowns.

Almost as if they had ulterior motives for the lockdowns (such as wiping out competing small businesses).

Go right ahead and tax those fuckers to death.

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By J. Kb

8 thoughts on “I love Tulsi”
  1. Y’know what? I’m with Tulsi on this one.

    The Little Guy’s been stomped on for so long, it’s about time he get his slice of the pie.
    Course we all know what’ll really happen.

  2. Plus the fact that individuals like billionaire IL gov Pritzger and family own a large stake in medical supply companies.

  3. What is it with that girl? She has bills in progress that protect girls’ sports and put reasonable (to me) restrictions on abortion, then she pulls this. Sometimes she seems to have rose-tinted glasses on when she views government power.

    On the plus side, she is a hottie.

  4. Not a fan of this proposal. Not a fan at all.

    Too much “camel’s nose under the tent flap.” thing. I would have to research a bit more before agreeing with punitive measures.

    Also, what will the government do with the additional tax revenue?

  5. Somebody recently was saying expect to see Tulsi switch to the Republican side before the next primaries. Of course, she’s in Hawaii which is as blue as any state so maybe that would guarantee she be shut out of office.

    The proposed bill banning boys who have become men from girls’ sports will probably guarantee the Dems won’t have her.

    1. That’s another bill I disagree with her on.

      If you, as the person in charge of the sport, are so woke that you will allow biological males to compete as females because “reasons” your sport should suffer the consequences. If the sport does not ask whether you were born female, and the people in charge willingly turn a blind eye, I same males should compete as females in every sport there is.

      Nothing will teach a leftists the ridiculousness of their ideas like suffering the consequences of their ideas.

      End of story.

      1. They never suffer the consequences. We suffer the consequences as they get a pass. If they suffered the consequences they would not be flooding out of California into Texas, Colorado, Idaho, Tennessee, etc. turning them blue as they go.

  6. When legislatures decide who can buy and sell, the first thing to be bought and sold are the legislators themselves.

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