They’ve prepared for this. They’re using block cars now. Your car better be able to plow through theirs
— Oilfield Rando (@Oilfield_Rando) May 10, 2021
This is true. They did this in Portland. They also used snow banks to stop cop cars from responding.
I did some searching and there are a number of used armored CIT (cash in transit) vehicles available. Some built on pretty heavy chassis like International truck frames or Ford F-550 frames.
The problem is those are generally B4/NIJ IIIA rated against handgun rounds, not AR-15s. The rifle resistant B6 vehicles are sedans or Suburbans for VIP protection.
Then I found it.
A used Blackwater Grizzly APC.
A 50 BMG resistant roadblock smashing goon-wagon with a top turret.
All I need is $129,000 dollars.
I generally don’t ask for money but I might GoFundMe for one of these.
Let Antifa block the roads, Grizzley MRAP don’t care.
Are there choices in the color?
Charcoal, ebony, midnight blue, and black.
Thanks. 8>)
How do you get it to Portland?
I think dollar for dollar a better value would be a 1970s impala or caprice. Plenty of steel, big motor, simple internals and if you have to leave it, meh..
Stop thinking “Blue Thunder” and start thinking “animal house”
@TechieDude: Ramming speed!
You could use it the way there was talk of having Somalian cruise trips, baiting Somali pirates. Renting full auto firearms and selling ammo to the tourists.
You could sell trips to go blockade busting, a small modification to the front bumper into a V, so it pushes to the side and not straight ahead and shazam, you have a blockade buster –
Kinda what I was thinking. Don’t most Texans have rifles? Antifa blocks the intersection, turn them into hamburger. Unfortunately, you’ll have to warn the cops to stand down, or they will be taken for enemy soldiers.
Look for a Ferret armoured car or maybe a Saladin. Older but way cheper than newer stuff.
And the Ferret takes a 1919 Browning, so there’s that…
Had a ’67 Chevy C-10 pick-up. I think the body was like 1/8 inch steel, body on frame. Had it parked on a side street, a drunk kid came screaming’ around the corner, hit the rear step bumper, pushed the truck up on the curb and moved it about 10 feet down the street. A few minor wrinkles in the sheet metal, a new battery to replace the one dumped upside down, and I drove that truck for another 15 or so years. The kid’s car was totaled. Maybe I should look into getting another one.
Just go buy an old 4×4 airport plow truck with a big V plow. Heavy rugged truck. Some even have wings on BOTH sides….. armor plate the wheel wells and go..
Or an airport snow blower heh heh.
Why reinvent the killdozer?
Seriously though- once it is time to not be nice, there are better ways to take care of business. NEVER attack the enemy where he is strong. These protest roadblocks are where they WANT you to confront them. There, they have strength in numbers, lots of cameras, and cops to protect them.
Instead, get him where he is weak. Find out where his R3 areas are. Where does he resupply, rest, and repair?
Where is he weak? Where does he feel safe? Then you attack THERE, where you don’t need such a conspicuous vehicle.
That’s a valid point. However …
My concern would be, what happens if I find trouble even if I’m not looking for it? For instance getting caught in the middle of a roadblocking event? In that case, having a vehicle that would see you out safe and whole would be a definite benefit.
Where do they teach newbies and have Lefty book stores…
All I want is a Communist Party Wagon – surplus BTR-90. Roomy-ish, heavy, nice high view, even cell-phone users should be able to spot and avoid it, and it should be secure enough to keep the random street hobos from breaking in.
Just gotta clear the Priuses from the undercarriage every so often.
The BTR-90 is kinda rare and not a communist vehicle. But I guess the earlier variants, which were widely used and exported, could be had.
If we’re dreaming, I want a Soviet T-35. Talk about being able to clear an intersection…
Needs killdozer gun ports.
Even the Sherman’s 90 mm gun should be sufficient. Hell, 6-8 blocks away, and rain Judgement upon them!
DT-20 VITYAZ- weighs 20 tons, tracked amphibious, articulated, carrys 20 tons, me, 2 guys and a shitload of mags, follows after the V plow…bbwwaahhahahahaha
Overwatch places with suppression…jus sayin. It wont be fun when the bullies get stomped
Speaking of amphibious: much smaller and lighter, but this looks like a lot of fun:
With tires like that it can also go over many pretty large obstacles.
I’m still thinking a 64 Lincoln Continental customized by D-Day is the ticket.
No need to spend that much, the fall of the Soviet Union has you covered, though shipping will run fairly high: