Does he know that they are called the Laws of Physics? They are not the Regulations of Physics. To send a piece of lead and copper weighing a tenth of an ounce  with enough speed to reach a human body at 5 football fields away so unloads enough energy to split it would require such an initial velocity that parts of his skull would be  peppering the landscape after the M-16 blows in his face with the force of a grenade, maybe two.

Anyway, I’d be needing my rounds in 62 grains and above. Thank you.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

12 thoughts on “I need me some of them boolits for my AR”
  1. More O’Sullivan’s law. Damn, the Leftists love a Junta where the military has special rights and powers and civilians are subjects.

  2. More likely, Stolen Valor. Like the lunatic who “suffered” PTSD after firing an AR. (News tic? Gretchen, or something was his name?)

    I call bullshit.

    1. It’s a claim that sounds impressive to the ignorant, but even a civilian with a little knowledge knows that he’s nattering on about a participation trophy.

  3. 9 Hole reviews has a video regarding those who say “I Qualified Expert” as some kind of claim of special expertise:

  4. it is asinine and stupidly shortsighted of this progtard to assume there aren’t civilians more qualified than him when it comes to pew-pews. But then again, he is admittedly a progtard so stupidity is the norm.

    I personally know at least 7 civilians who know more about firearms than many “qualified experts.” They just don’t go out of their way to advertise it with look-at-me posts on Fakebook or Twatter.
    And when they speak about the subject of firearms, i listen carefully and take copious notes. 😉

  5. I qualified expert with a M16 in 76. This turd either wasn’t paying attention, or he wasn’t a Marine. I can find pictures like his with just a simple search. In my time in the Corps, I don’t recall meeting any “bleeding heart “ liberals.

  6. A few things from a former member of the Jarhead clan:
    1) shooting expert in the Marines doesn’t mean shit, per se. That’s under ideal conditions, I.e. in those days he served, slick (no combat gear) and you might have had to deal with some weather effects and wind. It does mean he has reasonable skill with an M-16A2, nothing more.

    2) the comment of “splitting a man in half” *may* not be literal, it may be more of a euphemism about him being able to hit center mass. Speculation; either way it’s applicable (see below).

    3) judging by the photos, he was probably a POG (pronounced pogue, means People Other Than Grunt or simply non-infantry). Most dudes I served with don’t take those kinds of photos, besides when at the School of Infantry. Combined with #2, I’d question his bonafides instantly. If someone wants, maybe ask him what LMGAS means.

    4) his years of service indicate that he wasn’t a wartime Marine. Plenty that aren’t out there; but it has bearing on what shooting expert means and the practical real-world experience to back it up. Also, the rifle range quake changed from back then and got a bit more difficult and include using gear.

    5) I don’t do social media, but the photos as shown seem to scrupulously avoid showing his collar points, thereby avoiding exposing his rank. Lends credence to #3, but, again, I speculate.

    He’s simply using veteran status to artificially bolster his credibility. Problem is that others who have been there done that can see through it.


  7. If he was all that firearms intelligent he would know that a common deer rifle, fired by one of them NRA guys, can bring down a deer at more than five hundred yards so don’t be coming around here talking smack about the wimpy M-16. Doesn’t he know that the AR is semi-automatic? Doesn’t he know that ALL of us went through rifle training? Just shut the hell up, fella…you ain’t squat!

  8. He’s so absolutely stupid that it makes you wonder if it’s someone purposely posting so ‘over the top’ to make the gun control side look like it’s populated by idiots.

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