From CBS News:

Los Angeles County closes beaches for July 4 weekend, citing coronavirus risk

Beaches in Los Angeles County will be closed over July 4 weekend to prevent “dangerous crowding that results in the spread of deadly COVID-19,” the county’s public health department said in a Monday statement. Fireworks will also be prohibited, the county said.

The closure begins just after midnight on July 3, and ends July 6 at 5:00 a.m., the department said. It applies to all public beaches, piers, public beach parking lots, beach bike paths that cross sanded parts of the beach and beach access points.

July 4th.  Independence Day.  And the government shuts down the beaches and all public gathering places near the beach.

Anyone who violates the rule can be fined up to $1,000.

On Independence Day.  For using a public beach.

I don’t see this going over well at all.  It might be time for just a little bit of the ol’ “sic semper tyrannis” thing.

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By J. Kb

6 thoughts on “I see this working out well for California”
  1. Practically the only good thing about living in LALA Land is being able to go to the beach when you want, now LA county says you can’t, on freakin’ Independence Day. Argh!

  2. The LA County sheriff just said he wasn’t going to enforce it. I think in this current climate you’ll have one hell of a problem getting cops to give a damn. That might not stop the city and county for blocking off the parking lots but nobody is going to be there to stop people from the barricades either. With this move in the recent “increase” to the CCW budget I think Villanueva is pissing in the Cheerios of the board of supervisors.

  3. Petty tyrants have to petty tyrant.

    This is not about safety in any way, it is about the politicians hanging desperately to what little power their emergency authorizations provided them.

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