It’s indefensible for Animal Planet to run the Puppy Bowl directly opposite the Super Bowl.

Except I expect the Puppy Bowl to have better ratings than a Biden town hall.

What I want is for this to happen and to get ratings data.

Forget polls.  I want to see how many people turn in to watch Biden vs. Trump.

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By J. Kb

4 thoughts on “I want ratings data”
  1. The problem is that a lot of dems will tune into the Trump town hall simply to get outraged every time Trump utters a sound. On the other hand, most republicans will not willingly choose to subject themselves to an extended dose of Joe and the Ho.

  2. What he really wanted to say was “The decision by NBC News to run a Trump town hall …. is indefensible.”

  3. I’m not sure ratings will be a good measure. After all, how can you make fun of all Biden’s gaffs if you do not tune in to watch?

    I already know what Trump is going to say, but Biden is a positive fount of new meme material.

    I mean, if we look at Biden’s last rally numbers, his ratings will probably be the most accurate counts we have for the total number of “journalists (‘professional’)” + “conservative pundits (amateur included)” we have in this country to date. I doubt too many others will attend.

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