From the Annals of Editorial Oversight:

I thought that  Mazel Tov cocktail was an incendiary device that burned for eight days.

Miguel informed me that it is an adult beverage:

    • ounces Manischewitz
    • 1 1/2 ounces Gin
    • twist of lime

I know I’ll hate that because I hate gin.  It all tastes to me like it was distilled from pine tree air fresheners.

Besides, gin doesn’t say “Jewish” to me.

I think something more along the lines of a Rye Manhattan or New York Sour.

Rye whiskey is from New York, Manischewitz is from New York, and New York is still (despite the best efforts of Mayor de Blasio) a Jewish state.

Using Manischewitz as a replacement for Sweet Vermouth in a Rye Whiskey drink feels more “Mazel Tov” to me.

I feel the need to try and make one and then maybe I’ll try to come up with an incendiary device that burns for eight days.

Maybe I’ll post that recipe when I come up with it too.

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By J. Kb

9 thoughts on “I want to make some of these”
  1. Very funny, but it is the closed caption text not the chyron text. Probably zero layers of editorial oversight on those. I’d assume closed captions on live broadcasts are done with speech to text software now and can easily see that confusing Mazel Tov and Molotov…

  2. What is this, amateur hour? If you want to make it really Jewish, supplement the gin with brine from a jar of gefilte fish.

    1. Agree with 2 exceptions Tanqueray and Bombay, every thing else tastes like turpentine smells.

  3. I’ll happily give all the unloved gins a good home!

    If you come up with something please share the recipe.

  4. Don’t forget in a previous riot the reporter (I think) that posted pictures of ear protector plugs and asked if they were rubber bullets. Journalists are often a special kind of stupid.

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