Today’s headline:

Suicide is now the leading cause of death for children ages 10 to 14 in Ohio

Suicide is now the leading cause of death for children ages 10 to 14 in Ohio, according to a report from the Ohio Department of Health about suicide in Ohio.

The report, which highlights an increasing number of suicides across different age groups in Ohio, also notes that suicides are the second leading cause of death for young people ages 15 to 34.

Then there was this headline from a month ago.

Kids have regressed due to COVID-19 restrictions, with some potty-trained kids going back to diapers, experts say

An education watchdog in the U.K. found that some children have regressed due to COVID-19-related school closures and restrictions. A report from Ofsted, the Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills, says some kids have fallen back in basic skills – and some who were greatly impacted have even forgotten how to use a fork and knife.

One is the “hardest hit” group of young kids. This group has suffered from time out of school and has gone backwards on words and numbers. This group has also reverted to diapers after being potty-trained or lost “basic skills” such as using a knife and fork.

I can tell you this is affecting my family.

The boy is doing well but having problems with groups of other kids.  His teacher told us very plainly that the problem is since the kids have such little interaction time, the can’t develop the conflict resolution skills they should be learning at this age.  We are doing all we can to keep his academics progressing but we can’t really do much about his social development when his socialization is so limited.

In the Huntsville area, this is what we know to be true:

“If you look at the death statistics in the state of Alabama, 77 percent of the people who have died are over 65 and have some kind of health care issue,” he said.

So to save the lives of people who probably would have died from a bad case of the flu, we have done possibly irreparable damage to a generation of children.

More teenagers have killed themselves because of COVID than died of fucking COVID.  Can you fathom the mental anguish that makes a 10-year-old commit suicide?

The government and the media did that to us.

The geriatric ward that is our government leadership wants to keep the lockdowns going.  It’s clear why.

Between an octogenarian senator getting COVID a child suffering so hard they go back to sitting his pants or killing themselves is not a hard choice to make.

They need to end this shit now and they really should pay for what they did to our children hocking their fear porn.

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By J. Kb

7 thoughts on “I was mad, now I’m furious”
  1. That is the point I have been trying to drive through the thick skulls of my city assembly for months.
    How many more suicides will we have?
    How many addicts in recovery will relapse?
    Do you care?

    They are so determined to protect the vulnerable, that they are creating tens of thousands more vulnerable in the process. And, they do not care. In fact, I kind of suspect they are glad to do it.

    One thing I saw on the GFZ forum was this:
    “If you allow politicians to break the law in an emergency, they will create an emergency in order to break the law.”
    After all this COVID bull____ is over, I have no doubt MAJOR reforms for schools, parenting, etc… will be mandated. All of it will be with the intent of solidifying and increasing governments role (and control) of your day to day life.

  2. So what are We the People going to do??? I dont think we could get 3% of the population to fix our broken Country. Everyone just meekly follows orders from the ones who are ruining the Country. Its going to take millions of Americans to get involved in the towns they live in and go to every town meeting/board meeting to help get the problem makers out of office. In addition to working and family life. Complacency breeds failure and right now its showing

  3. 4,102 deaths in Alabama. Using that 77% number, the government has held people and their livelihoods hostage over 944 deaths. Madison County alone had 35 excess OD deaths during the initial 75 day shutdowns. God knows how many that have been lost to suicide or ODs in the last 9 months. I imagine it will be more than 944.

    But god forbid the boomers in government, who never miss a paycheck in all of this, get scared.

  4. My son’s best friend hung himself during the summer break, 11-years old, didn’t even spend a day in middle school. It’s the first and still only “COVID-related” death to affect my immediate family.

    1. That is horrible WallPhone, absolutely devastating.

      There are no excuses for this. I am sure the politicians will be quick to dismiss it as just another troubled teen.
      They will refuse to ask themselves the difficult question: Would this child have taken their own life if they had a social support network?

      Politicians are too busy trying to save the vulnerable from the virus that they refuse to see the tens of thousands of vulnerable they create.

      1. Actually, most of what politicians have done either exposed the vulnerable more to the virus (as in Cuomo) or, at best, did nothing meaningful to protect them from the virus (Newsom and all his ilk). So rationally speaking the politicians don’t even have a defensible argument of good intentions to excuse their behavior.
        It’s been pointed out many times here and elsewhere that the only plausible explanation for what has been done is the unbridled exercise of raw power.

  5. This is not an unfortunate side-effect. This is the primary purpose of the lockdowns: demoralization and isolation of the populace.

    People are less likely to fight back against being herded into boxcars when they’re miserable. And if they hang themselves, that’s another free space on the box car.

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