From SFGate:

Overdose deaths far outpace COVID-19 deaths in San Francisco

A record 621 people died of drug overdoses in San Francisco so far this year, a staggering number that far outpaces the 173 deaths from COVID-19 the city has seen thus far.

The crisis fueled by the powerful painkiller fentanyl could have been far worse if it wasn’t for the nearly 3,000 times Narcan was used from January to the beginning of November to save someone from the brink of death, the San Francisco Chronicle reported Saturday.

Lockdowns, economic destruction, despair, are far deadlier to people under 65 than COVID.

We are seeing that reflected in the reality of the deaths in San Francisco.

We’re seeing similar in Northern Alabama.

I keep saying this, but when the smoke clears we will discover that the toll of the lockdowns and social destruction to control COVID was worse than the virus itself.

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By J. Kb

4 thoughts on “I wonder how many more places are like this”
  1. Been pointing this out since March.

    Two weeks of closed businesses and schools was pretty harmless across the board, but months of it will (and did) result in increased suicides, addicts falling out of recovery, etc… And, the politicians do not care.

    I know in my City, there is a massive increase in drug related police call outs, but the local news is ignoring it. I cannot get data on suicides, or hospitalizations because of overdoes, but I have no doubt they are way above average.

    Meanwhile, the hospitalization and death rate with infected people is extremely low.

    Just remember, if you allow politicians to break the law because of a crisis, they will invent (or inflate) a crisis in order to break the law.

  2. The cruel side of me calls it culling the herd…..
    Sad aint it? The greatest country in the world and this is ignored.

    1. In the famous SF novel “Oath of Fealty” (Niven & Pournelle) there’s a slogan that keeps popping up repeatedly, on stickers and elsewhere:
      “Think of it as evolution in action”.

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