From Market Watch:

Dr. Fauci recommends wearing goggles to prevent catching the coronavirus

Dr. Anthony Fauci says that eye protection may be recommended at some point to help prevent spreading COVID-19.

Fauci explained that the novel coronavirus that causes COVID-19 infects mucosal surfaces — or parts of the body including the eyes, nose and mouth that secrete mucus to stop pathogens and dirt from getting into your body. So “perfect protection” of your mucosal surfaces would include covering every one of them up, he said.

“Theoretically you should protect all of the mucosal surfaces, so if you have goggles or an eye shield, you should use it,” he said.

This can’t be real.

We have to be living in some sort of simulation created by higher dimensional beings, and the scientists running that simulation are AFK and their kids are fucking with the program, seeing just how much they can torment the little simulated humans before we all break down.

It has to be because I swear to God, at this point I wouldn’t be surprised if next week we see this on the news:

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By J. Kb

9 thoughts on “I wouldn’t be surprised if this happened next”
  1. Eye shield. Hm. So… are we supposed to worry about respiratory aerosols, or nah? ‘Cause most kinds of eye protection ain’t even vaguely airtight.
    Now, where’d I put my space helmet…?

    (Sometime soon, I’m gonna have to spend some time running up and down a ladder while wearing a full-face respirator to keep fiberglass particles outta my eyes and schnoz – funsies! Not sure it’s appropriate public wear, unless… wait, is Fauci providing cover for rioters to wear gas masks?)

  2. I thought masks were to protect the other people, not the wearer? The mask would prevent droplets and virus particles from spreading to everyone else?
    If so, how will glasses prevent you from spreading the virus?


    Or are we now back 360 degrees to wear a mask AND GLASSES to prevent getting infected?
    Because I knew back in March that if you were trying to prevent infecting yourself, you needed to wear a mask and goggles or glasses with side shields, and hopefully a face shield to keep droplets or sneezes off you.

    Most of the masks out there will not protect you from the Chinese Coronavirus. There is way too much bypass leakage. Ask the experts. Unless they changed their minds AGAIN?


    What is the purpose of the masks? Can some expert tell me what the reason is.

  3. I noticed the nurses and attendants at my parents assisted living facility do wear N-95 masks, safety glasses and full face shields.

    They had been able to prevent anyone from being infected with Wuhan Flu for 3 months. Then after a couple quarantined residents and several workers got infected, they were able to control and stamp out the Chinese Coronavirus infections in the facility.

    Yes, unlike NY, Michigan, NJ, and too many other hell holes, they actually quarantined for two weeks any residents that left the site. So far, so good, only sick residents, no deaths.

    1. My sister is a nurse and has yet to get COVID. She wears full PPE. I agree that a properly fitted N95 and face shield work and are necessary, for medical personnel and others who are in close proximity to sick patients coughing up infected goo.

      I’m having less of a time understanding how this biological protocol will help people just casually shopping in a grocery store.

  4. Once again, I have to ask. What is so horrific about this disease that these measures are necessary across the board? High risk people, those working in the medical field, OK, but everyone?

    Seriously, I keep looking at the numbers for both my City and State, and the question I keep asking is “Where are the dead bodies? Where are the hospitalizations?” Hundreds of thousands of tests administered in my city, only about three to four thousand positives. And, since they started counting, there has been less than 100 hospitalizations.

    If you do a scrub on the numbers from pretty much anywhere else, it will tell the same story. Thousands of positive results, but no equivalent amount of hospitalizations. No correlation between the increase in “cases” and the number of people who are sick. Curiously, the immune system is doing exactly what it was designed to do. Protecting people from getting sick.

    So, what exactly is this new “goggles” suggestion actually trying to accomplish?

  5. How many false positive test are there? At first the media was all over the false positive test, not a word now.

  6. Quite so. “n” positive tests! Scream the headlines!

    How many are actually sick?

    Of this fraction, how many admitted (to ED)(to hospital)?

    Of *this* fraction, how many in ICU?

    Of *that* fraction, how many on vents/ on critical care?

    How many dead, infected when?

    The details matter.

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