So I was chatting with a buddy and I sent him this meme.


That cascaded into a conversation in which I realized that if you had the ability to go back to 2001 and tell American’s what 2020/2021 was like, they wouldn’t believe you.

Like, at all.


Try it:

“The federal government was temporarily under the control of an 80-year-old bureaucrat you never heard of, who ran a minor department you never heard of, who told people to wear three handkerchiefs over their faces and have a medical swab jammed up their butthole to fight a respiratory virus with a 99.7% survivability rate.”

“We made this 39-year-old gay guy who had no more administrative experience than being the mayor of a rust belt city of 100,000 people, the Secretary of Transporation because he said he ‘likes trains’ and proposed to his husband in an airport terminal.”

“A TV actress with a part-time role on a lousy basic cable drama show conspired with Oprah to destroy the British Monarchy and succeded.”

“A member of the House Intelligence Committee fucked a Chinese spy and Speaker of the House let him stay on the House Intelligence Committee, but the Speaker of the House tried to kick another member of Congress out of office for saying that there were only two genders.”

“A number of state governors declared in a state of emergency what items in a hardware or big box store you could buy and not buy and had different items roped off from customers.  It was against the law to go to a Lowes and buy paint or seeds, or Easter candy in a Wal-Mart, by governor’s orders.  Oh, and that state of emergency was that same respiratory virus with a 99.7% survivability rate.”

“The President made it so that people had to carry a little card issued by the CDC that shows that they were vaccinated against the aforementioned respiratory virus with a 99.7% survivability rate to be allowed to enter a business or travel between states.”

Speaking of that card, I got vaccinated because I’m an essential government contractor, and the very first thing that I noticed after the woman who gave me my injection told me to carry the card around with me all the time was that it’s not a standard wallet credit card size card.  If you want to know exactly the state of our incompetent fucking bureaucratic state, that’s it right there.

“Here’s a fucking card you have to carry around with you always, but it’s not a convenient industry-standard size to carry in your wallet or business card holder or any other standard size accessories that you carry all of your other concealed carry permits, drivers licenses, state-issued IDs, credit cards, business cards, store rewards cards, frequent customer punch cards, etc. in, because fuck you, we’re the Federal government and we do what we want.”

If you went back 20 years and told any of these to yourself, I doubt you would believe even you.

Try it.  Put it in the comments.  Describe something that happened within the last year you 20 years ago wouldn’t believe if you told yourself.

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By J. Kb

10 thoughts on “I wouldn’t believe me if I told myself”
  1. The entire country watched a sitting president draw tens of thousands of people to rallies “lose” an election to someone who couldn’t draw more than a few thousand, with unverified ballots, strange computerized counting, and yet no investigation of fraud.

  2. We were attacked by radical rag-headed fruitcakes that were between 19-29 years old, just like every other attack since before we were the US of A, and our response was to create a bureaucracy that excluded checking and searching rag-headed fruitcakes between 19-29 years old, but did include searching little old ladies and babies, fully, with anal probing if necessary.

    We struck serious petroleum gold, becoming energy independent, so instead of building up the petrochemical industry and the petroleum and natural gas power structure, we instead shut down petro and gas power plants and instead invested huge amounts of money in wind farms and solar energy, which uses equipment all made in Communist China.

    We decriminalized theft, most physical assaults and purposefully infecting people with AIDS or HepC, but arrested surfers who showed up on an empty beach to surf in salt water that was known to kill a weak-assed virus.

    We closed churches, schools, small businesses to protect everyone from getting infected with that same weak-assed virus, but kept open Walmarts, liquor stores, legal weed shops. Oh, and you couldn’t have the family in the back yard, but it is okay to belong to a leftist, communist-run social movement and vigorously protest out in the open by burning, looting and killling, all basically legal according to the State and Fed governments. And the protests were done over drug dealers fighting cops and dying during said fight, one died by ingesting his own drugs, another was shot by her own boyfriend!

    Boeing and the other major space contractors fucked up and screwed up NASA program after NASA program (okay, that’s not hard to believe) but it’s okay because a private space contractor came along and fixed everything, to the point they were blowing up a prototype a month just to find out how to make the prototype, which will lift more than a Saturn V, better. And make it 100% renewable, unlike that POS space shuttle. And they are landing rockets after launching them. Just like all the Sci-Fi stories.

    We had the world’s finest military, but we gave it all away so that we could pay for sex change operations, pregnant fighter pilots, and 5,839,583 different ‘genders’, all which the military has to pay attention to.

    The center of DC will be sealed off from the rest of the nation, lined with razor wire topped walls, and protected by the National Guard, all to protect Congress from the people.

    1. Gas was trending below $2.00 but then a bartender from NYC helped destroy the economy by promoting a wealth distribution called the “green new deal”.

      We elected that demented former Vice President who stated during the campaign he was going to raise taxes and take our guns.

  3. Just a practical suggestion re: the vaccination card: take a picture and store it in your phone. Yes, I know, we shouldn’t have to carry it.

    I have been a volunteer vaccinator for the past 3 months. I have joked with a few people that they should carry their card (or a photo) in case there are rolling roadblocks checking for cards. Now, NY people will be required to show their cards for entry to various places. I guess that I should have submitted my “joke” to the Babylon Bee as it’s a joke that has become reality. ?

    1. Make a copy and carry that.

      The problem with the phone is, once you have handed it, unlocked, to a law enforcement officer, you’ve implicitly given them permission to look through everything else on your phone.

      1. @it’s just Boris: A reasonable point. I also reduced my card to wallet size and laminated it.

      2. First, don’t hand them your phone. Show the image, if you like, but don’t hand them your phone.

        Second, and I say this as a lawyer, and one who has extensive experience dealing with 4th amendment law. Your statement that handing the phone to them to show the image is permission to look through your phone is simply false. A search of a phone, without consent or a warrant, is illegal, and displaying an image of a vaxx certificate is not consent, implicit or otherwise.

        Your statement is simply false.

  4. That one day I would take down the US flag from the flagpole in front of my house and never fly it again.

    I wasted 21 years of my life supporting and defending the US Constitution and a nation of freedom loving, independent, fearless risk takers, the former of which is no longer honored and the latter of which no longer exists.

    The United States of America as envisioned by the founders and codified in the US Constitution no longer exists as a functional society. My flag came down the day after Obama was elected for the second time and has never flown over my house since.

    I had a brief period of optimism that things might turn around when Trump was elected, but as soon as the level of opposition he would receive as well as the depths of lawlessness to which the establishment on both sides of the isle would stoop to oppose the agenda that the majority of Americans supported, my optimism faded.

    At any rate, if you’d told me 20 years ago that within the decade I’d take down my beloved country’s flag and never fly it again, I’d have punched you in the nose.

  5. That, in 20 years, you and your friends at the range are seriously talking about how to resist banning and confiscation, and swearing that we would not go down without a fight.

  6. In 20 years, you’ll have lots of fun guns, but you won’t be able to afford the ammo to shoot them.

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