Our acting Director of National Intelligence, Richard Grenell is awesome.

He posted this online.

This is how some douchebag replied to that.

This guy advertises himself to be a civil rights attorney.

A civil rights attorney.

According to a fucking civil rights attorney, your right to leave your house is suspended without due process because you might get him sick.

I’ve never met a civil rights attorney who got a hard-on reading the majority opinion in Korematsu, but I guess there is a first for everything.

I wonder what other generalized threat you can pose that this guy believes gets your rights suspended without due process?

If I extrapolated his opinion to this Tweet, saying something this dumb on Twitter should get him disbarred and the law school professor who taught him Constitutional law fired.

What a fucking asshole.

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By J. Kb

4 thoughts on “IANAL but I don’t think this schmuck is either”
  1. I suggest that we confine Joseph Hicks to his home for the remaining days of his life. He could be carrying any number of viruses and bacteria that will infect others.

    It is a clear violation of everyone’s rights if he were to share a cold or the flu with another person.

    1. It would be inefficient to confine him to his home. Perhaps there is a government funded housing system already in existence, one with a staff used to enforcing social distancing rules and with a number of one person rooms? (sarcasm off)

  2. Forced government housing! Betcha that comes with (moan) FOOD SECURITY! And…and…government provided (rolls eyes) (gasp) HEALTHCARE!!!

    (Insert climactic analogy here)



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