Found on Twitter: “I’ve never before seen an image encapsulate a cause with this much accuracy. Truly amazing.”

I am to the pint that they were posing, but the message that is being portrayed is not what they think they were expecting.

Hat Tip Sarah C.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

4 thoughts on “Iconic CHAZ Photo”
  1. That photo is couple of years old. Titled something like “Emo Jima”. Although funny/tragic, it’s just another example of why you can’t trust anything on the internet.

  2. In the garbage where it belongs.

    On another note leftists leave a lot of garbage behind.Kind of why I say Trump should not even bother rolling in. Just barricade them in, cut electricity cut water cut shipments of food and seal them in. I give it less than two weeks before they start literally eating each other. White males first.

    1. The problem with that course of (in)action is that there are people trapped inside that area who are *not* part of the group exercising this insanity. They would be forced to leave their homes/businesses unoccupied and open to ‘wealth redistribution’ should they leave.

      Their only viable options at this point are to either keep their heads down and ride out the madness, or hope the feds come and roll up the occupiers (since it’s abundantly clear the state ain’t doing JACK)

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