By J. Kb

13 thoughts on “I’d expect it to be higher”
  1. 45% is what they know.

    Pretty sure there’s a big % that they don’t know about because people had it with the totalitarianism of the “Woke” party and use OpSil.

    Plus it’s none of their freaking bizness who has what. 😉

  2. If the “public” supported gun control, the Dems wouldn’t have any problems passing it. Therefore, the actual public doesn’t support it — only the “public” represented by carefully crafted polls does.

    As for “research” — again, that “research” begins with its conclusion and works backwards from there.

  3. Last I heard it was 60-75% somewhere round there. We had over 8 MILLION NICS checks done in January alone and most of those were new shooters. The last couple years have set nics check records. I think we have far surpassed 100million gun owners in the USA. This administration has zero clue the monumental amout of Americans there really is here
    Op sec is a nessary thing…..

  4. Except that the public and research do NOT support “gun control” — not in the way the elites want it.

    Most people support background checks on retail sales, but most people also support private transfers without background checks (read: most people DO NOT support Universal Background Checks if they understand what it really means).

    Most people support violent felons being disallowed from buying or owning guns, but most people are okay with non-violent felons or people with decades-old convictions (and clean records since) to restore their rights.

    Most people support “assault weapon” restrictions in theory, until it’s explained what is covered by the “assault weapon” definition: your kid’s Marlin Model 60 or Ruger 10/22, your bolt-action with the thumb-hole stock (it’s a “pistol-style grip”, dontcha know!), any semi-auto rifle that can accept a magazine larger than 10 rounds (read: ALL mag-fed semi-autos), etc. Suddenly, when they understand what the ban covers, support drastically wanes.

    Most people support wife-beaters being denied guns, until they realize that the entire family is denied with them … including the battered wife.

    And the list goes on….

    The reality is, most people support “gun control” laws that have very specific targets and are minimally-invasive for everyone else. They do NOT support broad, sweeping restrictions that severely limit who may own firearms, where and how they can be stored/carried/used, and what types of firearms are allowed.

    But sure, go with the “most people support gun control” line and leave out a metric sh!t-ton of qualifying factors. It’s Vox, so what else would we expect?

  5. Guns are here to stay. These despots can pass whatever laws they like, they can use law enforcement and the military to harass, intimidate, and eventually murder Americans who own firearms, but with so many guns in this country already, they aren’t going anywhere, ever.

  6. I just bought a Martine-Henry from 1887. I passed the chance to get a Lebel from 1893.
    Both are in perfectly serviceable shooting condition.

    Guns ARE here to stay.

  7. Well, there’s a major reporting problem in other countries – France and Italy in particular have made hiding things like this from the government into an art form.

    Bad data leads to bad conclusions and bad conclusions leads to bad policy. I guess we all see the motivations at play here …

    1. They assume:

      o No firearms traveled west when the Soviets fell
      o No firearms traveled northwest from Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan with the “refugees”
      o No firearms traveled north from Africa with those “refugees”

      Oh, and:

      o The caches set up by Soviet-supported terrorist groups inside western Europe magically disappeared

  8. At some point a lot more people are going to find out just how easily firearms can be made at home, so long as you don’t set your expectations too high. The classic exposition on this was done by a Brit, interestingly enough.

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