AOC says Congress may form commission to ‘rein in’ media after Capitol riot

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez revealed that Congress is looking into creating an investigative commission to “rein in” the media in the wake of the US Capitol siege

“We’re going to have to figure out how we rein in our media environment so you can’t just spew disinformation and misinformation,” she said.

Yeah, I agree.

Pee-pee tapes, Russian collusion, kids in cages, dismissing the Hunter Biden story as Russian disinformation, “mostly peaceful protests,” etc. all were media lies.

This needs to be stopped.

Before you go all “but J.Kb., the First Amendment and a ministry of truth…”

There is a much better and Constitutional was of handling this.

Libel and slander have never been protected by the First Amendment.

We need to loosen the restrictions on public figures suing the media.

Show that something was reported factually wrong and campaign contributions fell off and that’s enough to claim damage was done.

I don’t want a truth minister. I want juries to weigh the facts, that’s how our system works.

Our media should be pants-shittingly afraid that if they say something provably wrong about a person, that person will take them to court and make them pay out the nose until they are bankrupt.


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By J. Kb

5 thoughts on “I’d join AOC on this”
  1. I wish that would work but I fear it will not. There was a boatload of misinformation and down right lies but you have to be very careful of those lies.

    So when the Washington Post has a front page article that says “Trump is pee-pee do do head that needs his bedding changed every night, says anonymous source” the WP is safe. THEY didn’t say those bad things about Trump wetting his bed, an anonymous source said it and THEY truthfully reported what that source said.

    CNN has four talking heads on to talk about the incident at the Capitol Jan 6th. 3 of them are articulate well spoken extreme left wing radicals. They all say “Orange Man BAD and he told his bumpkin inbred followers to do it!”

    Then we get to the forth, the “conservative” representative who sounds like he grew up in hicksville Mississippi (Not Alabama, no hicks in Alabama any more), and he bumbles through 3 minutes of inarticulate statements about how QAnon was reporting that Alex Jones said that the deep state … and about that time the CNN anchor and the other 3 guests are trying and failing to hold in their laughter.

    OR we have radio silence. The National Enquirer reports that the Democratic front runner for president, who’s wife is in hospital, dying from cancer, has been sleeping with his press spokeswomen and paying for her house and his bastard kid out of campaign funds. WP, NYT and CNN all report on Orange Man Bad!

    The alternative news sources start to give some air play. CNN, WP and NYT all report that Republicans are pouncing.

    You can’t stop these people, they know how to present the narrative in such a way that the consumer doesn’t even know that they were lied to by the media, because they media has only said “we believe these people”

  2. Or we could go back to the rules of the 18th Century when the United States was founded, where you back up your words with your life. You didn’t need a lawyer or a publicist, just the willingness to back your grievance with your life. President Andrew Jackson fought how many duels?

    Will it ever happen? When women as well as men are subject to being called out? If it ever happened, there will be a huge backlog of hate, grievances, and vindictiveness. Think of it as a mass chlorination of the gene pool. Evolution in Action.

  3. That fella who was fired from Toyota after he was falsely accused of attacking a woman at a rally would be a prime candidate for your idea but like above I fear it will never happen.

    Two sets of rules divided by a gap wide enough for Jerry Nadler to waddle through.

  4. “We’re going to have to figure out how we rein in our media environment so you can’t just spew disinformation and misinformation,” she said.

    But,. who gets to decide what is dis/mis information?

    Somehow, I do not think AOC is going to let a jury, or any test of reasonableness get in the way.

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