The Violence Policy Center (VPC), the source of these claims, asserts that in the 10 years from May 2007 to April 2017, U.S. concealed handgun permit holders were responsible for 969 nonself-defense gun deaths (with any type of weapon, not just handguns). Of these deaths, 314 were suicides and 17 were the result of accidental shootings. In all, 324 permit holders purportedly killed people. Looking at the VPC numbers for 2016, they claim that 26 permit holders supposedly committed 29 homicides. With over 15 million permit holders nationwide last year, those deaths amount to 0.2 homicides per 100,000 permit holders.However, there is an arrest and investigation virtually anytime a permit holder uses a handgun in a public place. Almost all of the 2016 cases are listed as pending, and most of the defendants will be acquitted on account of self-defense.

Source: How gun control advocates play the mainstream media for suckers | TheHill

Go to the article and save for future reference. The VPC “report” will be used over and over when we get to fight national Reciprocity and this is the antidote or sun light equivalent.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

2 thoughts on “If Gun Control did not lie, they would not have a case.”
  1. Part of their lie is equating JUSTIFIABLE homicide as murder. They don’t say as much, but they insinuate it (lie by omission) and pad their numbers with it and the clueless out there gobble it up as truth. Just like adding in the suicides and gang-on-gang shootings.

    The purpose of EVERY lie is control.

    1. Frankly, I get the impression they’re more offended by justifiable homicide than by random murders or gang warfare. They seem to hate the idea of self-defense, saying it makes you “judge, jury, and executioner”, while ignoring that you have to believe you’re going to be murdered or severely injured before it’s legal.

      And look at who they hold matches for: thugs killed in self-defense, not the kid gunned down because a gang thought he was a look-out for another gang.

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