These people are carrying Hammer and Sickle flags and posters or Marx, Stalin, and Mao.

If I were the Governor of Texas on Saturday, I would have seceded from the Union and ordered the TxANG to napalm the rally.

Fuck freedom of speech.

Sorry, don’t care.

People who advocate for a system of government that repressed human rights and murdered 100 million people in the 20th century can and should die in a fire.

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By J. Kb

8 thoughts on “If I were the Governor of Texas I’d order the TxANG to bomb Austin”
  1. I live just 88 miles from the capitol; been there 3 times; once to visit the old capitol bldg., which is beautiful and has some iconic art inside, and 2x to the airport.
    The nicest thing about Texas is there are a lot of really great places to get awazy from people, and those are the best places.

    1. Why?

      I’m absolutely aware of what Communists have done, what they want to do, and what they will do here if they get the power to do it.

      Why should I wait to put onto a cattle car headed to a Gulag before fighting back?

      Why should I wait until I am next in line to be put against the wall by a guy in a Che shirt before I decide it’s time to shoot commies?

      As far as I am concerned, as soon as they wave a Hammer and Sickle flag, it’s fine to start slotting commies.

      Just ask the Poles. They don’t have a problem with Wokenistas because anyone who tries to advance socialism gets put in prison.

  2. Austin became a liberal mecca. All those assholes from kalishiitefonicate moved there(jessie james) and immediately turned it into what they ran from. This is the frustrating part…

  3. That is a lot of commie flags. I wonder if these people have a clue what people in Texas think of them.

    TxANG – Texas Air National Guard

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