Video taken from Minneapolis after the riots.

The Rodney King LA riots happened 28 years ago.  There are parts of South LA that never rebuilt.

That was before the rise of internet retail when people still had to go to brick and mortar stores.

How likely is it that this will be rebuilt any time soon and not be a scar of destruction in Minneapolis that lasts for a generation?

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By J. Kb

7 thoughts on “If LA is any precedent , Minneapolis is screwed for a long time”
  1. Yes; Chicago, too, for that matter, and I’ve already heard at least one news report complaining about the new food desert, no pharmacies left nearby, et cetera.

    I have zero Fs left to give.

    The people who live there did it themselves, or they let outsiders convince them to do it, or they didn’t stop said outsiders from doing it. Their elected government didn’t either, and after the first night there’s no excuse for either the people or the city & state government, at least, not seeing what was gonna happen on night 2.

    Don’t ask me to pay for the results of what amounts to a community temper tantrum.

  2. This video just brokes my heart. This year is not at all the way we ever imagined it to be. I wish everything got ok as soon as possible. Stay safe, stay home.

  3. The only problem is the idiots that destroyed their own neighborhoods are now moving to the undamaged neighborhoods. And, next time there is a media inspired riot, another part of the city will be reduced to a third world hellhole.

    If only there was a way to force these people to remain in the area of the city they destroyed.

    1. It’s not at all clear the rioters destroyed their own neighborhoods. There’s good reason to believe many of them came from elsewhere; a lot of them are probably rich white kids, as terrorists so often are.

      Unfortunately, every news outlet continues to flog these protests, peaceful or not. And while they will fade at some point, expect another conflagration when (not if) some of the police officers involved are acquitted. I say “when” because the prosecution is now a political circus, George Zimmerman style. Given that two of the cops charged were rookies with no real ability to speak up against what was happening, I am very sceptical that the charges of being an accomplice will stick.

      When that happens, cities will burn all over again.

  4. Add in de-policng, season with simmering rage, add a dash of (I pray!) Trump 2020, stir gently, bake a while.

    Me? I’m going long popcorn futures!

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