This happened just across the border from me.

Public School Worker Who Began Secret Gender Transition on 13-Year-Old Maine Girl Has Conditional License

A public school worker at Great Salt Bay Community School who coached a 13-year-old girl into a gender transition without telling her parents has only a conditional license to practice social work in Maine, The Maine Wire has learned.

Amber Lavigne, the mother of the young girl, revealed at a school board meeting Wednesday that she discovered a chest binder in her daughter’s bedroom several weeks ago. Her daughter told her the binder was provided by a social worker at the public school who encouraged her to keep it secret from her parents, she said.

That’s when Lavigne learned that the social worker and other school staff had started a social gender transition for the girl in October without her parent’s knowledge or consent.

Sources have confirmed that the social worker in question is Sam Roy, a 26-year-old UMaine graduate student who has a conditional license from the state of Maine to work as a social worker.

According to his LinkedIn page, Roy was a member of the Guitar Club at UMaine in Orono, and he served in 2016 as Public Relations Officer for the “Wilde Stein: Queer Straight Alliance.”

Lavigne learned from her daughter that Roy had encouraged her to conceal the binder from her parents, she said. She had no idea school staff were using masculine pronouns for her daughter.

Although Lavigne knew that her daughter was seeing a social worker through the school, she did not know that her daughter was reassigned to Roy in October. She has never seen or talked to Roy.

Allow us to recap.  The school sent a child to see a provisional social worker who is a active member in the political LGBT+ community.

That social worker convinced this girl she was trans and gave her a chest binder and started her social transition at school.

They did not tell her parents and the social worker encouraged the girl not to say anything to them either.

This is textbook grooming.

There is no other word for it.

A person in authority coercing a vulnerable chikd into radical and unhealthy behavior changes that are kept secret from her parents, driving a wedge between the victim and the family.

That’s grooming.

It’s unclear what legal options might be available to parents when a school secretly conspires to put their child on the path to a gender transition.

When it is unclear what legal options the parents have, the only available options become illegal ones.

Remember the movie Taken, when some perverts trafficked a dad’s little girl?


In 2019, the Maine Legislature passed, and Gov. Janet Mills signed, a law that bans “conversion therapy” of minors.

Conversion therapy is a controversial practice in which counselors attempt to convince gay or transgender individuals that they are not, in fact, gay or transgender.

The practice is widely regarded as pseudoscience.

The conversion therapy ban, however, does not apply to instances where counselors attempt to convince minors that they are gay or transgender.

I’m 100% that the social transition of children is conversion therapy.

The issue of lots of kids being some other gender wasn’t a thing when I was a kid.

It wasn’t a thing 10 years ago.

This is manufactured by people.

Emotionally vulnerable children, especially girls, are being converted into transgender boys by activists.

This won’t stop until we force it to stop.

And the answis not “homeschool your kids.”

Parents against grooming shouldn’t take their kids out of public schools.

They should drag the groomers out of the schools to be doused in boiling roofing tar and feathers.

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By J. Kb

4 thoughts on “If this were my daughter I’d be asking for contributions to my legal defense”
  1. A school-provided therapist is like having someone else pay for your lawyer — are you sure they’re representing your interests, or those of the person paying the bill?

    And I don’t see how anyone who is just a “licensed” talker has the authority to discuss someone changing their identity, for any reason. The girl didn’t need her ribs crushed, she needed someone to listen to her normal adolescent angst.

    1. My son has been seeing a school counselor because he was having trouble fitting in after we moved. Schools should have counselors for kids. But they need to be vetted to make sure they are there for the kids and not their own perverted issues. The best way to do that is to coat the perverts in boiling roofing tar.

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