Time to wake up.

Oakland County Sheriff’s detectives are seeking a first-degree murder charge against a Pontiac man following the death of a homeless man he allegedly beat to unconsciousness.

Rashaan Denee Redmond, 37, is currently held without bond in the Oakland County Jail, charged with assault with intent to murder for the Aug. 21 assault on Blake Louis Sanders, 36. The enhanced charge is being sought after Sanders died Wednesday morning while in hospice care at a relative’s home.

It’s believed he never regained consciousness after the beating, the sheriff’s office said.

According to the sheriff’s office, surveillance video from the gas station shows Sanders was sitting in front of the building when a man, later identified as Redmond, pulled up in a gold/beige GMC Suburban with no license plate. Redmond offered the victim a dollar to put air in his tire and, as Sanders is hunched over by the right front tire, Redmond became agitated and sucker punched him in the head, knocking him to the ground. The brutal attack then continued for another minute or so.

As stated in an earlier news release, “Redmond kicked and stomped (Sanders) in the head and face a dozen times before walking away. He then can be seen in the video returning, slapping the unconscious man before spitting on him and tossing his belongings in the air. Redmond soon drives away from the station, leaving the man lying limp on the ground.”

Victim of savage beating at gas station dies, murder charge sought – The Oakland Press

Our biggest failure of training in a defensive mindset is to accept that this level of violence is common out there. Our civilized minds have a tough time understanding that for some, this behavior is acceptable and can and will be used upon us.

And we must understand that our immediate response to this violence must be deadly force.

The “moral superiority” of non-violence and “peaceful conflict resolution” flatlined alongside the victim.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

7 thoughts on “If you still believe you will fight for your life under polite rules of engagement…”
  1. I suspect there may come a point at which “rules of engagement” will not only be “impolite” but become proactive at the moment a potential threat is not necessarily detected, but reasonably assumed. The risk for not doing so will be so great as to preclude anything else.

    So much for civil society. It was nice while it lasted.

  2. Pontiac Mich
    (used to live not far from there)

    if not the “a-hole” of Detroit — it’s no better than an unwashed armpit

  3. Yesterday I got a taste of public rage while sitting in a left turning lane, second in line. The first car had no traffic coming and should have proceeded but did not. I waited about four or five seconds and issued a polite very short beep of the horn. The driver blew a gasket, screamed something I could not determine as he got out of his car, followed by immediately issuing a threat—the guy looked exactly like my twin, but maybe ten years younger.
    I signaled that I was sorry, powered my window down as I did so, and yelled, “Sorry dude, what can I do to help you out man, to which he responded by banging his fists on the front of the vehicle, so I loudly asked, “Are you armed with a gun man, CALM DOWN….OK?
    He stopped cold, looked at me with a blank expression so I asked through the open window, “How can I help you, is everything ok”, as I pulled my gun from my holster, (which I know he could clearly see this activity but made sure he never saw the pistol). He stopped, his expression changed, and he backed up, moved to his car calmly and got back into the driver’s seat and shut the door, but still sat there. I took the opportunity to put the pedal halfway to the floor and blew past him across the road and continued on my way. As I drove past him, I saw his face looking down, not paying any attention to his surroundings or me.
    He stayed there as I viewed him in my mirror while driving away. The situation was over. My analysis was that he was having a very bad day and simply lost control because of it and was triggered when he heard a short burst of my horn. I made a choice to wait longer next time something like that happens. Maybe I’ll forget about using my horn thinking they’re using their phone. I’d rather be late than unintentionally triggering an unstable person.
    De-escalation and breaking contact were all I kept thinking through the entire ordeal. Vehicle was not damaged. I was ready for the worst-case scenario, and I think he deduced that from my actions. Came back to his senses.

  4. I personally think that people have forgotten that there is such a thing as real evil. I don’t mean the situational “Snidely Whiplash” melodrama evil by which Conservatives are condemned by Progressives. I mean the core existential evil that some people embrace. These people live their lives in evil the same way good people live their lives trying to be good.

    There’s a stunning book about it by M Scott Peck called “People of the Lie: The Hope for Healing Human Evil.” Peck was a psychiatrist who headed the team that evaluated the My Lai massacre in the Vietnam war. That experience, and others, convinced him that “evil” should be considered a distinct psychiatric diagnosis.

    There are bad people who do bad things because they are evil. It’s not economic. It’s not situational. It’s not because they don’t have education. It’s evil.

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