This is an actual Twitter rant from some angry member of the anti-Trump #Resistance.

It has been unrolled and captured.

All she wants is vengeance.

She has no plan to actually help anybody.

She just wants to figure out every possible way to hurt people on the other side and implement that for no other reason that what motivates her is hating the other side.

If you want to understand how a bunch of people in Hollywood could look at a script about murdering Trump voters for fun and say “yes, we want to finance that and put it in theaters in Red States” this is how.

Their hate is all-consuming.

If you want a reason not to give up your guns, this woman is it.

“As soon as we have the power, we’re going to torture you all and destroy everything that you hold dear” isn’t really a message that inspires me to go along with her side.


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By J. Kb

14 thoughts on “If you want to know how a Trump voter murder porn gets green lit, just look at Twitter”
  1. And the response they always have is: It’s your fault! If you weren’t so evil, nasty, violent, racist, haters we would be living in utopia.

    I wouldn’t do this to you if you hadn’t forced me to do it.

    Honey, you know this hurts me more than it hurts you, get me the belt, 25 lashes is what you get for putting dinner on the table late. I hate when you make me do this.

  2. “All she wants is vengeance. She has no plan to actually help anybody.”

    Progtard dogma for the past 20+ years.

    If I had the chance, I’d ask her “So… does Love still trumps Hate? Or your belief on those words are as fake as the rest of you?”

    Then sit back and watch her head spin around until it pops. 😉

  3. The problem with any -ist on the left is that they are not about equality, they are about revenge, power, and control.

    It is not enough for women to be treated equally, they have to be in charge. Having an equal number of welders or accountants is not equality, only having an equal (or better yet, a higher) number of CEOs means equality.

    And, this idiot is no different.

    There was some insult given at some point, and the only solution is total destruction of everyone and everything that is even remotely associated with the person or action giving offense. Simply having an opinion that does not fall directly in line with what she believes is offense enough to warrant your destruction.

  4. I’m reminded of something I saw on TV the day after Trump was elected: a demonstration in which one of the demonstrators was carrying a sign with the words “Rape Melania”.
    Nothing really was said about it. Perhaps at the time the commentators thought this was an aberration. Now we know it was a sign of the new “normal”.
    Ah, here it is.

  5. The sad/scary thing is that people like her will be in power by either 2021 at the earliest or 2027 at the latest. That power will be permanent and will not care about anything besides getting more power and being as oppressive as possible and destroying anyone and everyone that did not and does not help them keep that power. Someone with that much hate like I constantly say would have no problem with carpet nuclear bombing conservative states and the rounding up and systematic extermination of not just gun owners but literally every single solitary person in the country that ever voted for a republican. And someone like her will become president in the next decade. I wonder how CNN and MSNBC will put a positive spin on the deaths of 100 million people via nuclear holocaust by the democratic socialist government that will be in power in the next decade.

  6. Oh, man, there’s too much not to fisk here:

    I am so pissed that I have no words….

    And yet, here you are. Making words.

    Twitter: Never before have so many people with so little to say, said so much to so few.

    We’re going to repaint Air Force One pussy hat pink and fly it over your beloved Bible Belt 6 days a week…

    “And to Hell with the environment! We’ll burn fossil fuels when it suits US, not when it suits YOU!”

    … tossing birth control, condoms and atheist literature from the cockpit.

    “Ditto for littering and poisoning wildlife with artificial hormones!”

    Speaking of @ChickfilA, we’re buying all those and giving them to any LGBT person your sick cult leaders tortured with conversion therapy.

    So, like, none of them, then?

    We are going to round up all your guns, melt them down and turn then [sic] into into [sic] a gargantuan mountain, emblazoned with the faces of @BarackObama and @HillaryClinton.

    Again with environmental destruction! You guys really hate the planet, don’t you?

    Also, regarding getting my guns: No. Your move.

  7. Remember people, they are not ignorant, they are not ‘misguided.’
    They are evil, and they want you and your families dead or worse.

  8. When I read her vitriolic BS, the first thing I thought of was Tombstone:

    “Wyatt Earp: What makes a man like Ringo, Doc? What makes him do the things he does?

    Doc Holliday: A man like Ringo has got a great big hole, right in the middle of him. He can never kill enough, or steal enough, or inflict enough pain to ever fill it.

    Wyatt Earp: What does he need?

    Doc Holliday: Revenge.

    Wyatt Earp: For what?

    Doc Holliday: Bein’ born.”

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