In case you missed it, there has been an upsurge of violence in Israel.

The Jew-hating media will tell you that it has something to do with settlements in Sheik Jarrah.

Here is a little background on that:

The problem is, this is only part of the story.

The rest of the story is that it’s the end of Ramadan.

Unlike Judaism and Christianity, Islamic holidays show an increase in violence.  Islam teaches that to become a martyr during a holiday gets a Muslim bonus martyr points.  There is nothing that gets a Muslim into paradise faster than killing infidels and dying during the holy days.  The end of Ramadan is today, so any little excuse to set Muslims off on a rampage at the end of Ramadan is all that is needed.

So Palestinians kick it off with Israel.  Israel defends itself.  This is how Ilhan Omar (D-Terrorism) responds.

Iron Dome exists explicitly because Hamas, Hezbullah, and the PLO fire rockets at Israel.

Here it is in action, saving lives.

This is what happens when an area isn’t protected by it (often inside the response time).

It’s the Palestinians that target children.  It’s also the Palestinians that kill their own children.

When Israel strikes back, this is what it looks like:

Precision guided strikes on Hamas weapons, not missles fired into civilians.

Rockets weren’t the end of the attacks.

Palestian leaders have called for a reinstitution of the Knife Intidafa.

Remeber that Biden restored $200 Million in funding to the Palestinains that Trump cut.

Biden is stepping back from Israel because he is Jew-hater surrounded by Jew-haters in a party full of Jew-haters.

Trump brought peace.  Biden brought rockets.

Jews who voted for Biden had a hand in making this happen.  Thinking that they can vote for Democrats but not elect a party of Jew-haters is like thinking you can eat the corn out of a turd and not get shit in your mouth.


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By J. Kb

4 thoughts on “Ilhan Omar (D-Terrorism) and why Jews who voted for Biden have Israeli blood on their hands”
  1. One wonders if Israel will ever get to the point of saying “enough of that” and go back into Gaza and move everyone out into Egypt.

    1. Egypt won’t take them. Nobody will, for two major reasons.

      One, the Palestinians are useful tools for the more viciously anti-Israel states who want to play proxy battles.

      Two, the Palestinians themselves are utter dirtbags. They tried to assassinate the King of Jordan at one point, after he had taken some of them in. None of those countries is dumb enough to repeat that mistake..

  2. How do you fight people who hate you so much that they are willing to strap bombs to their own children and send them into a restaurant, in the hopes of killing some of your people?

    The answer is that there is only one answer: You must annihilate them, salt the earth of their cities, and erase them from history so that no others will follow their example. To do otherwise is to engage in an endless, 4000 year long fight for your own survival.

    Rome had it right.

  3. I told them they shouldn’t have given Gaza to the Palestinians, but they didn’t listen.

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