Following the international kerfuffle where Congresswomen Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar were denied entry into Israel, the level of toxicity of Jew-hatred on social media has gone from drinking out of the Ganges to having a seat on the Elephant’s foot.

Apparently, half the world expects Israel to welcome into two people who openly advocate for the end of the Jewish state.

Because Jews are not just expected to provide the rope that’s used to hang them, they have to tie the noose and erect the gallows too.

But I think the worst of what I’ve seen comes from this thread by Molly Jong-Fast.  Go read it if you want to give your soul cancer.

the gist of it, backed up by her supporters, is that the Republicans who are condemning Tlaib and Omar’s antisemitism really secretly hate Jews, are actually white supremacists, and only care about Israel because they want to kick off the rapture.

And that it is the party that refuses to condemn antisemitism, that supports BDS on college campuses, that calls Israel a “Nazi Apartheid state,” and argues that “Palestinian rights” justifies terrorism, is really the party the supports the Jews.

It’s not like one the Democrat’s leading kingmakers is responsible for two pogroms in the United States.

I mean, who are Jews supposed to believe really hates them.  Those white Republicans who openly support Israel and condemn people who make accusations of dual loyalty against American Jews…


Those intersectional Democrats who keep saying the antisemitic things that the Republicans keep having to condemn?

I guess I’m going to believe my lying eyes and trust that the people who act like they hate me, hate me, and those who don’t, don’t.

All I really know is that this has put me in a foul fucking mood.

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By J. Kb

3 thoughts on “I’ll believe my lying eyes, thank you very much”
  1. The person who acts like they hate you, hates you.

    The person who doesn’t act like they hate you, might hate you too.

    For some reason, if they hate you, they don’t display that hate.

    I tend to file that in the win category when someone who hates me has to behave as if they don’t.

    But it’s dangerous to assume that people hate you without evidence.

    There’s too many examples of where that leads.

  2. the gist of it, backed up by her supporters, is that the Republicans who are condemning Tlaib and Omar’s antisemitism really secretly hate Jews, are actually white supremacists, and only care about Israel because they want to kick off the rapture.

    Which is not only hateful, but shows she knows nothing of what she’s talking about. Mere mortals cannot bring about the rapture. Full stop. End of sentence.

    It’s Islam that believes if they wash the world in the blood they can bring the 12th Imam, the Mahdi.

  3. It’s getting to be more and more like 1984. Ministry of Truth. Two minute hate. Etc, etc.
    Let us devoutly hope and pray that the ending is not the same.

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