“Make a list of Jews we can blame for spreading disease.”

I don’t care if this shit-stain went to the Jewish Day School, this is antisemitic.

The Soviets created a Jewish branch of the Communist Party specifically for the Jews called the Yevsektsiya.  The purpose of the Yevsektsiya was simple.  To have Leftist commununist Jews infiltrate the observant Jewish communities and undermine their beliefs and make them into communists.

Wittes is a Yevsektsiya.  He might claim to be a Jew but he’s a Leftist attacking Rabbis for celebrating a religious holiday with the President, wanting to put their names on a Stalinesqe list.

The observant Jews of New York have been attacked relentlessly since the beginning of COVID.  This president chooses to celebrate with 100 observant Jews the first night of Hanukkah and this is called a super spreader event. Not the Biden celebrations or BLM protests.

I guess only Jews and Trump supporters spread disease in America.



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By J. Kb

8 thoughts on “I’ll take: “Things anti-semites will do for $1000””
  1. For the most part, outside of some local media’s, MSM is ignoring events like this all over the country from ‘their’ side. Chicago alderman caught allowing indoor dining in his restaurant. IL gov Pritzger exempted bars/restaurants at Midway/Ohare airports from the indoor ban (major donors all), LA bans even outdoor dining but exempts movie productions allowing setting up huge outdoor dining tents (right next to closed restaurants).

  2. I fear that, indeed, Jews and Trump supporters will wind up spreading disease.

    And I fear that it will be lead poisoning.

  3. I fear that, indeed, News and Trump supporters will wind up spreading disease.

    And I fear that it will be lead poisoning.

  4. There’s a real problem with antisemitism in the US these days. The left do it covertly, and then in right-wing communities you get people doing it overtly. I used to think they were liberal plants trying to destroy them, but given the level of traction they get, I think the GOP legitimately has a serious antisemitism problem.

    I’ve now left 3 right-wing communities because they were overrun by wannabe-Nazis trying to turn conservatism into something it isn’t. At least I know J and Miguel won’t tolerate any of that around here.

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