I am absolutely certain the Biden administration would not stop an Iranian plot to assassinate Trump.

They would say something like they condemn the attack but it’s the repercussions for the effects of Trump’s antagonistic foreign policy, etc.

Remember that Obama let US Navy sailors get captured and humiliated by Iran.  They would welcome Iran taking out Trump.

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By J. Kb

4 thoughts on “I’m absolutely certain the Biden administration would allow this”
  1. Mass report Twitter for hosting terroristic threats.

    Let’s see how they like playing by their rules.

    1. Report Twitter to whom?

      What entity with the power to do anything isn’t on their side?

      Don’t get me wrong, I love the idea. Now, how do we make it happen?

  2. And even if Iran succeeded, Congress would still move forward with impeachment.

    It’s not enough to be rid of him. They have to destroy his legacy and drag his reputation through the mud.

    It’s the Democrat way.

  3. Don’t forget that Obama also purposefully sent the entirety of Seal Team Six to be murdered by his islamo-fascist terrorist buddies.

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