He seems nice.

This “student leader” very passive-aggressively threatened to murder all Zionists.

That’s only 95% of Jews.

He wants to free Palestine so badly, he’s willing to commit a second Holocaust to pull it off.

I’m never giving up my guns.

The one thing I am grateful for, is that it seems like the people who want to mass murder us here in the US are a bunch of soft, pampered, panty-waists not accustomed to violence.

That makes it easier for someone like me who trains to administer it to counter.

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By J. Kb

5 thoughts on “I’m never giving up my guns: Columbia protesters edition”
  1. By “Zionist” they mean ALL Jews and any non-Jew who catches their eye. Remember, 10/7 was “what decolonization looks like” and they consider every American, Australian, Canadian, Brit, German, Frenchman, Italian, Irishman, Pole, Scandinavian, etc. to be “colonizers”.

  2. Well, now.

    If it develops that he needs some assistance in “not murdering” – regardless of race, sex or religious category – I suspect there are some prospective murderees who would be willing to offer a fairly convincing counter argument, 230 grains at a time. Otherwise, bud, you stay in your lane and we’ll stay in ours, but I think we’ll keep your video for reference, just in case.

  3. The one thing I am grateful for, is that it seems like the people who want to mass murder us here in the US are a bunch of soft, pampered, panty-waists not accustomed to violence.
    The second thing I’m grateful for, is that it seems like most of the people who want to mass-murder Jews, conservatives, MAGA supporters, and other non-Leftists, are willing to loudly and proudly self-identify. Even if you’re not privy to their social media (and who has time to vet every person in the country and beyond anyway?), the vast majority dress the same, talk the same, wave the same flags, graffiti the same statues….
    I doubt I’ll ever meet this person, but if I do, I am forewarned as to what kind of people he and his friends are. And that forewarning came from his own mouth!

    1. “self-identify”. Well, sort of. Some of them show up like this. A lot of them hide behind masks. And the puppet masters pulling the strings and paying the bills from behind the scenes are unfortunately very good at staying hidden.

    2. I’m ready for them. I’m a Native American, Retired Army Special Forces Officer. My guns are ready to defend our nation and Israel against all terrorists!!! Bring it on !

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