J.Kb.’s Wholesale Killdozers and Woodchippers.

I’m not sure how many more stories about a child that committed suicide because of COVID isolation need to be published before society snaps, but it can’t be that many.

Reading this against a backdrop of Biden not having a plan to reopen the schools for months has me rooting for the Capitol stormers.

My son is six.  I have no idea what sort of long term emotional damage was done by this.  I can’t imagine losing him like this.  I’m not sure what I would do if I did but I suspect that at least part of my reaction would be a crater that you could see from space.

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By J. Kb

13 thoughts on “I’m opening a dealership”
  1. And the first customers should be anyone that looks at a story like this and utters the phrase, “Well they weren’t tough enough to handle it…” from their suck. Anytime the aspect of dark side of mental health issues comes out in discussion, some tough guy (usually some fucking boomer, sorry to generalize but it’s been my direct experience) makes that comment and it sends my blood pressure into proof test territory.

    “Bravo, Mr. Toughguy. Glad you have lived such a charmed life. Can I introduce you to my friend Mr. Vermeer?”

  2. With everything I’ve seen kids come back and recover from I can not begin to imagine how truly hopeless a child must feel to even begin to think of this as an option.

  3. You are afraid of suicides. I am afraid of long term side effects of cOVID19 vaccines on my kids, especially when under 18 were not tested in clinical trials and the companies are already unblinding the control arms, so we will never have clean long term data.

    All this Covid saga is total shit. Milking the China bug for all it is worth…

    School closings are temporary and there is homeschooling as a last resort, ADE is for life.

  4. I have seen artivles about young people killing themselves… Im a “boomer” and cant imagine the horror of that.. when older people do it It makes no sense but people do weird shit. I worked with a guy who because of some bad investments him and his wife stood to lose a boatload of money. No he didnt suicide- he KILLED his wife hoping to collect insurance…whatd he get? Life in prison..
    hey! Mr J, let me know if your dealership needs a northern division!

  5. I’ve read a few of these kinds of terrible stories happening because of the lockdowns. This is a virus that we know is rarely harmful to children & teens. Yet they’re probably the most vulnerable to mental health problems because they simply don’t know how to handle these levels of stress and isolation. The governments aren’t just stealing these kids’ childhoods, they’re enforcing restrictions that strip all of the things away that would normally help depressed children get better. And with every passing day the risk factor increases.

    This is criminal negligence by the various governments at best.

  6. Correction required:
    “I’m not sure how many more stories about a child that committed suicide because of COVID isolation need to be published before half of society snaps, but it can’t be that many.”

    There is a good 50% of society that, to be frank, just do not care. They are so terrified of this panicdemic that losing a bunch of pre-teens to suicide is a small price to pay in their minds. Who cares the number of businesses ruined? Who cares how many addicts in recover relapse? There is a virus out there!!!

    1. The ever-changing Rules now point to a definitive conclusion: we must all be kept muzzled and isolated until all disease has been banished from the world.
      My books are still mostly in moving boxes… gotta dig out the Buck Rogers collection and refresh my memory on the capital city of the 25th-century Mongol Empire, from which all pathogens have been banished, and where centenarians look like teenagers. This now seems to be a mandatory condition for allowing people to go out and socialize again.
      I’m fairly risk-averse myself, but the level of cowardice on display in society at large nowadays is downright shocking.

    1. Think I read about something similar with a rotary snow plow in one of Larry Correia’s “Monster Hunters International” books.

  7. On the reopening schools thing: Kimberley Strassel points out that 60% of elementary and middle schools, right now, are teaching at least one day per week in person. So the “goal” that Biden claims he’s aiming for is one that has already been met. I assume it was, in fact, met before he took office. That’s been his pattern: he did the same thing with the vaccination goal of 1 million per day, a rate that was in place on Jan 20th.

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