Life in prison for man who kidnapped, sexually assaulted Lubbock teen

Thomas John Boukamp, 22, was sentenced to life in prison in federal prison Thursday for cyberstalking and kidnapping a 14-year-old Lubbock girl in 2020.

The minimum sentence Boukamp faced was 15 years, and the maximum was life.

During the trial, it was revealed that Boukamp began talking to the victim – identified only as Jane Doe – when she was 13. In November 2020, he took her to his house in Michigan.

Doe testified during trial that Boukamp sexually assaulted her several times a day in Michigan and forcibly removed her braces with pliers.

The 28th Amendment needs to undo the prohibition against cruel and unusual punishment for pedophiles and child molesters, and instead mandate cruel and unusual punishment for them.

Anyone who sexually assaults a girl and rips her braces off with pliers needs to spend a lot of time on the receiving end of pliers (not to mention saws and drills as well).

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By J. Kb