
Who would have thought someone supportive of overt displays of sexualization in front of children would be a pedophile?


Fortunately there is an easy way to solve this problem:



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By J. Kb

6 thoughts on “I’m shocked, shocked I tell you. Now hold on while I fire up the woodchipper.”
  1. I saw the headline and thought this was in reference to another swell news story I saw today: Apparently the county prosecutor in Asheville, NC, has a long history of undercharging child rapes as misdemeanor batteries, with no sexual element charged. He is apparently being removed from child rape cases as a result.
    Is your wood chipper a two-holer?

  2. Man, at this rate Richie Bros. and Yoder & Frey are gonna be doing a record year in bulldozers and wood chippers.

      1. Maybe discharge everything into one of those concrete sarcophaguses that they use for storing radioactive waste. Wouldn’t want any furry woodland creatures to get sick after all . . .

  3. And another Woke hero is found to be a creepy perv.
    I’m beginning to see a pattern here.

  4. Lots of local democrat politicians are using their offices discretionary funds to promote these perverts at libraries around the country.

    Find out which ones are doing this in your community, find their promotional material linking them to it (they brag about it) and make sure everyone sees it as they campaign.

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