She started to drive away, then stopped and opened the door, so legally, it’s probably not a good shoot.

On the other hand, I shed no tears for a guy who sucker punches women.

Perhaps a hard slap on the wrist with a wet noodle is warranted here.

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By J. Kb

8 thoughts on “I’m torn on this one”
  1. We weren’t there… it’s possible he said something to the effect of-“Im gonna follow you home and kill you”… THAT would be the only reason to blister the guy after you were driving away…. Not a real good reason, but possible. In a perfect world ALL women would be armed and know the laws.. driving away kinda means the “fight” is over…

  2. Saw this one earlier and had similar thoughts on it being a good/not good shoot. Seems like one of those, “Penalties offset. First down” situations.

  3. Not sure…
    There are a lot of factors, above and beyond those mentioned above, in play here.
    Disparity of force, opportunity, jeapordy, etc… I am going to follow you, or I know where you live, etc… are factors that we just do not know about.
    On the other hand, why did she not lock the door as soon as she sat down? Why not continue driving after she started? That leads me toward “do not shoot them in the back” kind of situation.
    Not sure.
    However, I will say that these bullying thugs will likely stop being so arrogant of this kind of thing happened more often.

    1. @CBMTTek:

      “On the other hand, why did she not lock the door as soon as she sat down? Why not continue driving after she started? ”

      That was my thought on the door. I lock the door before I start the car in sketchy areas.

  4. Depending on the damage done from the sucker punch, which looks to have made contact to the face of the driver, she might have stopped due to the damage done–needing a second to adjust and get armed just in case, and perhaps while doing that she wanted to curse the guy out, but this time with a pistol in hand, just in case. He might have said he was going to kill her or threatened her with serious bodily harm when he punched her, which it could be argued he already achieved. Anyway, it’s her word against his now, and she’s got the upper hand legally. Remember this guy went to initiate the fight, twice. She probably just wanted the last word after she retrieved her pistol for added protection, just in case. Turns out it was the right move tactically.

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