News Media would burn you in effigy, Every so called “reverend” would demand the FBI to initiate and investigation for violation of Civil Rights – the First Amendment to be precise that guarantees your right to peacefully pray to your deity.

Now revers it and make it Black Lives Matter sabotaging a Catholic prayer  and nobody gives a damn.

Yesterday I made this meme as a joke. Now it seems more like a relevant question.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

4 thoughts on “Imaging interrupting a religious service of a Black Congregation”
  1. We been there for awhile…. problem is if we do that we will be keel hauled and prosecuted for the rest of our lives. We the People are in a quandary…. keep yer powder dry and eyes open.

  2. I can’t understand how the ‘protesters’ can believe that megaphones and air horns are not weapons when used like that. Using one right next to a person’s head like that can cause permanent hearing damage. This is why I carry pepper spray.
    I refuse to be a victim.

  3. 3 christian churches have been attacked & torched in the past week. Barely a peep from the MSM.
    If they have been mosques, it would be headline news every hour on the hour.

  4. First axiom of politics is in full play here people.

    Because of skin color, and religious affiliation, the assumption is the churchgoers are racist conservatives. Therefore, interrupting them is OK. Political affiliation matters here.

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