You have to give credit where credit is due.  Parkland anti-gun anti gun activism no longer feels like it needs to lie about how they feel or what they want to do.

They absolutely hate us.  The intensity of that hatred is awe inspiring.

They want to disarm us.  Some completely, others just mostly.

They hate the fundamental rights enshrined in our Constitution.

The problem with this, of course, is how will they do it.  I’m not turning mine in.  Nor will any of the people I know.

Either they will have to give up on thier fantasy or be prepared to fill mass graves with bodies.  Knowing what I do about Progressives with a cause, she would probably chose the latter with alacrity.

They think with the student walkout they don’t need to hide thier intentions anymore.  They have enough power on thier side to ram through what they want.

Of all the tweets in this woman’s thread, my favorite of hers is this one.

As a “writer” I don’t know what level of technical skill she has.  She may be right about 3D printing, but I’m sure she’s never Googled the phrase “Khyber pass copy” and realize if that is what a bunch of illiterate Pakistanis can make with old Soviet tools, what can a bunch of American machinists make on CNC equipment.

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By J. Kb

9 thoughts on “Immanentizing the gun echsaton”
  1. And they’re going to slaughter as many schoolchildren as it takes to convince us to give them up.

    Thanks only way to end the slaughter is to shoot back.

    1. I know that story quite well. They ordered brass lipstick tubes from France to make the shell casings.

  2. I haven’t 3D printed a gun yet, but I have made some unregulated 80% lowers into 100% completed receivers using nothing more than a drill press and a bit of time. It’s not hard. Honestly, I’m surprised more people don’t do it.

    What are they going to do? Outlaw chunks of plastic or pieces of aluminum?

    The only hard part is barrels, but in a “guns are outlawed”-type situation, there’s enough barrels to go around for a long time and making them is only a bit more involved than making an 80% lower.

  3. This honesty is refreshing. They’ve obviously been greatly emboldened by their success getting previously “pro gun” politicians to crack, so now they aren’t hiding behind a facade anymore. And no, they haven’t thought about how to collect guns after they somehow dissolve the 2nd amendment. Most of these people run under the assumption that everyone will “turn em all in” like Feinstein wants if the government demands it. All 400 million of them. Well, haha, good luck!

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