There are two big lessons to learn from this:

1) Goggles limit your peripheral vision. That guy went unnoticed because he was hiding below the field of vision of those entering the room. When wearing anything that affects your field of vision, you must actively scan the area.

This is a lesson I learned a long time ago working in industry wearing PPE. It’s very easy to forget your vision is impared and bonk your head on things.

This is especially important for all those Gun Culture 3.0 guys running around with NODs to remember. Typical NODs only have a 40° field of vision. Even the best quad-tube NODs are 97° in the horizontal and 20° vertical.

2) If you are going to clear a room, you have to know how to do it. The proper way to do this is slicing the pie.



When I went to Thunder Ranch, one thing we were shown to take a quick peek at the danger zone.

Yes, you are telling the person there you are coming. But you will also know they are there and are not caught by surprise.

Using both poor technique and not accounting g for your restricted field of view is what gets you shot in the dick without seeing it coming.

Lastly, these best way to clear this corner is…

Spread the love

By J. Kb

9 thoughts on “Important lessons to learn”
  1. This is like a Roadrunner cartoon. Hint: If the guy ahead of you is shot, don’t go in!

  2. or use a “room broom” such as an H&K P51, .308 8.5 inch full auto with a 50 round drum.. or a 12 Gauge with lotsa buckshot.. or set the building on fire, they’ll come out, heh heh..

    1. Gotta get in the room first to start sweeping. Doesn’t help if the whole violence of action is interrupted by the lead guy stopping because he absorbed the bullets like he is destined to do.

  3. Holding a rifle at eye level also impacts field of view.

    This is also a great lesson for defenders.

    Similar. “Leon the Professional” contains multiple fantastic demonstrations of defender placement outside the offense fields of vision.

  4. It’s been pointed out – repeatedly – that running around in “Hollywood Mode” – handgun at full extension, sights at eye level – does the same thing, blocking view below the arms and gun. And, to Jack’s point (above), blindly following the dead guy in front of you – especially when it’s 3 dead guys – into the fatal funnel seems like a pretty severe training failure.

    But it’s good to know that will be the default setting when The Festivities begin.

  5. Room clearing has been studied extensively for SWAT and military use. There are 2 things I see here not being followed.
    1. You do not slice the pie at the door frame. Your rifle blocks the view and gives away your very presence to anyone in the room before you even enter. Slice the pie away from the door.
    2. This one is SWAT prevalent, I believe. When entering a room, each member of the team is assigned a portion of the room depending on their place in line. First man quickly moves in to cover the front. Second man immediately follows and covers 1 blind corner while the third covers the other.

    So multiple things are being done wrong here. The more you know

  6. This is where the real training value of airsoft is. Doesn’t matter your prior service, skill, current service etc. Everyone gets shot in a doorway exactly the same and it doesn’t take more than someone hiding in a corner to do it.
    Unless it is “dynamic”™ I think we will be seeing a lot more drone usage at the squad level to investigate and/or deliver a payload in these sort of situations. Already seeing similar in Israel.

  7. ?Riddle me this, once the first good guy gets hit doing the initial entry, why would they not, at the minimum, toss a flash bang or a frag. Anything other than just keep entering. Not that I am complaining, I hope that’s their M O. And the round up crew I get are as bright, If this is their a team,
    I Don’t see them lasting.

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