The lockdowns have made everything worse.


There is no evidence that they saved a substantial number of people from dying of COVID.

They did however increase the rates of poverty, alcoholism, depression, overdose, suicide, the elderly dying alone and afraid with family unable to visit them, children falling behind in education or out of the educational system entirely.

But if that wasn’t bad enough, there is worse news. | Chattanooga News, Weather & Sports


We have to end the lockdowns now.

Also, when it comes to a 100% increase in child sex predation, 800HP is a good start…

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By J. Kb

5 thoughts on “In case you needed another reason to hate the lockdowns”
  1. Oh, great. After seeing that video now I want a tank with a mine flail on a boom arm, a claw on another arm, a feller buncher and just for completeness a flamethrower.

    (And yes the situation is horrible. There are a few things I think capital punishment is appropriate for; sexual abuse of children is at the top of the list.)

  2. Feed rate slow, feet first, saddle blocked so it cannot feel below the waist, head and eyes propped, so it can see its lower half turned into a bloody mist, before the feed rollers grab and crush its pelvis.

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