The Left is looking to make a victim out of everyone and it’s stupid.

If you were in Nashville over the weekend, you might have seen a vigil for Black Trans Lives inspired by the shooting of Tony McDade.

The narrative is that McDade was killed for being black and trans and that there is an epidemic of black trans people being killed.

Unfortunately, the details really don’t fit.  McDade was shot by Tallahassee police who were searching for the suspect in a stabbing.

According to police, McDade reportedly had a handgun and “made a move consistent with using the firearm” against an officer, prompting the officer to shoot McDade.

McDade had previously made statements on video indicating his proclivity for violence and possible participation in the stabbing.

In a video posted to Facebook early Wednesday morning, less than 10 hours before the McDade shooting, McDade said he’d been attacked by a group of men and that he planned to fight back.

“It’s just Tony the Tiger all alone coming for your blood,” McDade said. “I am killing and going to be killed, because I will not go back into federal prison.”

McDade was released from prison in January after serving 10 years on federal charges of possessing firearms following felony convictions.

That is very, very different than the narrative that police are going around killing black trans people.

This narrative is being pushed because the Tallahassee initially misgendered McDade in their reporting, which was the result of information from the coroner’s office (who were looking at a naked dead body).

The media is also reporting that there is an epidemic of black trans murders, which so far has numbered to be eleven.  Again, it needs to be pointed out that homicides in 2020 are up.  Chicago had its deadliest weekend since they first started recording the numbers 60 years ago.  Baltimore is seeing record homicides as well.  Overwhelmingly, these victims are black.  It seems that eleven trans victims out of hundreds of victims is just statistical representation and not an epidemic.

One of the black trans murder victims was the victim of an armed robbery with no evidence that their gender non-conformity played any role in the crime.  But don’t let that stand in the way of a good narrative.

This desire to turn every intersectional shooting victim into a martyr is getting stupid.  Someone who makes a Facebook video of their desire to get revenge then pulls a gun on a cop is not an innocent victim just because of their identity.

Facts matter and this movement is going to lose any credibility it might have doing this, which is sad because there are many people like me on the right who abhor actual police brutality but won’t side with this bullshit.



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By J. Kb

One thought on “Intersectional victimhood is getting out of hand”
  1. To be even more intersectional, apparently “MeToo” is right, testosterone makes you stupid. /sarc

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