By J. Kb

5 thoughts on “Interweb funny”
  1. And some people think that Asian immigrants have trouble assimilating into the U.S. culture. I can think of nothing more authentically American than the militiaman at Lexington and Concord or the Rooftop Korean of Los Angeles.

    God bless America.

    1. It has been my observation that most asian cultures assimilate very quickly it’s only the Chinese(too proud to let go) that have trouble unless their family ran afoul of the communist Chinese government at which point they also assimilate quickly.

    2. I’ve heard the same thing and it doesn’t make sense to me.

      First, what is assimilation? My family is German and Russian Jews. My Great-great grandparents came here after the Unification of Germany in the late 1800’s because the Prussians decided to exile their Jews.

      We’re Americans but when we do Thanksgiving we still do Gefilte fish and Matzoh Ball soup for appetizers and have latkes for a side dish next to the turkey. We still pepper our conversation with Yiddish. We celebrate Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish new year. Does that mean we are not assimilated?

      Does assimilation of the Asian community mean that they have to abandon celebrating their cultural holidays like Chinese New Year or stop eating their ethinc foods?

      Also, assimilation is a matter of time, measured in generations. While it is true that there have been Chinese in the US since the 1800’s, the most visible migration of people from Asia was after the rise of Communism. So it’s very likely the American born Asian kid is the child or grand child of an immigrant. Not that much different than my grand parents who were born in a Jewish neighborhood in New York. Or my other grandmother who spoke Polish at home but was born in the US in New Jersey. Or the kids born in Miami but speak Spanish at home because their grandparents escaped Castro’s death squads.

      To compare Asian kids who might be living in the same house as a grandparent who fled Mao or Pol Pot to Irish-Americans who came in the 1840’s escaping the potato famine is not a fair comparison. The Murphys have been here for 5 generations longer than the Lis.

      1. I’ve always maintained that “American” is a question of mindset and not one of citizenship or geography. Someone who embraces the American ideals of individual liberty, personal responsibility, self-reliance, community without collectivism, rule of law without authoritarianism, and so on and so forth…

        Yeah, it’s an subjective and emotional thing, and I usually pride myself on only dealing in objective, empirical, and falsifiable terms… But, sue me, I sometimes contradict myself. (I am large. I contain multitudes.)

        The protesters in Hong Kong? American.
        The rooftop Koreans? American.
        The Kurdish women forming militias to protect themselves against ISIL? American.
        Margaret Thatcher? American.

        The “Antifa” protesters who trashed Portland because they were upset Trump won? Unamerican.
        The MSNBCNNBSNYT reporters begging the feds to declare martial law over Coronaviridae? Unamerican.
        Bernie Sanders? Unamerican.

        1. I’ll buy a certain amount of that.

          I think I wrote a post where I offered to trade Hong Kong’s American flag waiving protesters for the West Coast’s communist flag waiving Leftists.

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