From the New York Post:

Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds’ car hits BLM protester who ‘intentionally’ blocked it: report

Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds’ car struck a Black Lives Matter demonstrator who blocked the vehicle’s path Tuesday, according to a report.

Jaylen Cavil, an organizer with Des Moines Black Lives Matter, said he stood in front of the governor’s vehicle outside of an event in Ackley, hoping Reynolds would roll down her window to speak to demonstrators, the Des Moines Register reported.

The demonstrators were barred from the event.

“The SUV that Gov. the was driving in drove right up to me,” Cavil told the outlet. “I was standing right in front of the car and I just stood there. I was like, ‘I’m going to stand here. Surely the driver of the governor is not going to hit me with her car.”

“This is the governor, my governor, who’s supposed to be representing me,” he said. “I’m sure that her car is not going to intentionally hit me. I was wrong.”

Cavil later took to Twitter over the bumpy encounter.

“I’m physically okay,” he wrote. “Just still shocked & trying to process the fact that the governor’s car intentionally hit me today.”

He intentionally blocked traffic and prevented the egress of a political VIP.

This is an ambush tactic, blocking the governor is a threat to her.

Her driver acting accordingly.

I knew people who were deployed to Iraq.  I asked about it and they told me it was common for protestors to block roads and slow down or stop convoys.  That would make it much easier for insurgents to kill US troops with small arms, rocket launchers, and hand grenades.  Vehicles traveling at high rates of speed were harder to hit.

SOP became run over the protesters.  A HMMWV weighs roughly 8,000 lbs and is powered by a turbo-diesel engine.  Protesters who chose to play chicken with one generally lost.

The shooting of a driver in Utah (the shooter and another protestor, in that case, have been arrested) shows that the same ambush tactic used against our troops overseas has come here, at least on one occasion.

There may be more.

It’s not unreasonable for a governor’s driver to push through a protest with the vehicle to ensure the safety of the governor.

I just hope that extends to the rest of us.

Protesters who block traffic do so putting drivers at risk.  Perhaps not all want to shoot drivers or turn them into another Reginald Denny, but they don’t deserve the benefit of the doubt.

More incidents of violence against drivers are coming.  They will only stop when drivers refuse to stop.

This driver is the hero we need right now.

And a little mood music for the protesters.


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By J. Kb

3 thoughts on “Iowa Governor’s driver is the hero we need”
  1. I think you mean the SHOOTER and another protester.

    I think they are looking for the second person with a gun that was across the street (left side of the video).

  2. Dad was a LEO, and once when working with the Secret Service on a Presidential visit was told that their standard orders for the drivers was “If someone tries to stop the President’s vehicle, YOU DO NOT STOP. If they don’t move, drive over them.” for precisely that reason.

    These little shits are going to wind up with that being the SOP of a lot of ordinary people; think “I’m not going to get shot or see my family harmed by these assholes so they can move or get mashed.”

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