So, so sweet:

And in case the Tweet disappears:

My hearing is not that good anymore, but I think he got called a homophobic remark besides the threats of physical violence and destruction of private property.

How do we stop the abuse against African Americans? By attacking African Americans! Let’s see if we hear calls from local leaders demanding the immediate arrest of the White idiots, appropriate  doxxing and firing for whatever job he has…if he has one.

I know I made this as a joke, but holy crap, it seems I was in the money.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

5 thoughts on “Irony so thick…. White BLM attacks Black male”
    1. Or punched out, which was more likely, and which the guy would have been well within his rights to do.

      Srsly, the sign-remover had probably 100 lbs on the attacker and looked like he could handle himself. It wouldn’t have taken much.

      Good on the sign-remover for keeping a cool head, though.

  1. Honestly, I was kind of hoping for a full on shit-kicking.

    Some people don’t learn except through pain.

  2. I had my eye gouged once in a fight to the point it was hit or miss whether or not I would keep it and so I am EXTREMELY and automatically defensive when hands go near my face. Think reaching for an unknown dog’s food dish.

    These people do not expect a fight. Belly exposed and focused on the face, chest bumping, and arms up where there is no chance of stopping something like a clinchpick or other nastiness coming up from the belt line.

    What exactly was his plan on taking the fella down to the ground? Ground n pound? Hold him for the other guy to kick? Nothing good thats for sure.

    The fella holding his hand tight to his chest in the “finger gun” position reminds me of old bangers, bikers, and other folks best left alone wonder what the deal was.

  3. I honestly think I would have shot that guy if I was in that situation. Attempted to tackle me from behind and continually squaring up on me hyper aggressive and pursuing me while I steempt to flee plus blocking my escape plus a buddy of his backing him up plus snatching the glasses and shoving. Man my skin was crawling.

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