We have posted discussed about preparations for emergencies, and we have realized not everybody has grown or developed experiences dealing with them to have a plan and supplies. But what I cannot really understand is how people is not prepared for the simple stuff.

People do not carry the simplest of blades to open things. It is fun to watch them deal with a blunt pair of scissors opening a box and taking forever while looking like the proverbial horny monkey and a football.

People do not have the simplest of health care supplies. How many times you have the same wandering injured idiots asking for band aids? I will grant you one time you forgot/didn’t realize, but the second time is just stupidity not having some with you or near you. The same for aspiring and over the counter meds. PS: Don’t volunteer/offer anything, for once you don’t know if the person happens to be of that 0.01% that is allergic to the med and dies because of it which will bring a lawsuit. And secondly, they will keep coming back to get some more next time and probably blab it all over the place. Fuck them, let them suffer. Save stuff for you just like you do for the tourniquets or quikclot.

Change of clothes? 99.999% of the days, you will get back home without having something foul spilled on you or simply drenched from an accidental fall into a body of water or mud. Heck even caught outside during a torrential downpour leaving you soaking and dripping. A small bag with a basic change of clothes (nothing stylish) and a hand towel in your vehicle or locker or desk area will save the day. I have a backpack with all needed to even spend 2 days unexpectedly out of my comfort zone. Nothing tactical, just clothes, shoes and toiletries that will make a surprise day less annoying and uncomfortable. Funny note, I rechecked the bag last year and realized I had clothes still in very fat sizes before I got into dieting. Not only I have “newer” clothes, but for some strange reason, the backpack has more space and weighs less. I did add a pair of flipflops.

And a source of fire. Matches or lighters will do. I had gotten rid of all my lighters after I quit smoking and found myself needing one a couple of times, so they are back in “rotation” from range bags to glove compartment to the backpack with clothes. Basically, don’t pull the thread, just burn it.

Any other simple things I may have forgotten? Go wild in the comments.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

5 thoughts on “Is being prepared that hard?”
  1. Reusable water bottle.
    Spare eyeglasses or contacts if you wear them.

    1. Here’s my workday EDC for a flashlight: the Nebo Mycro.
      Less expensive elsewhere.
      I would not recommend it for pocket carry, as it can be bumped on. Mine lives on a lanyard with my employee ID badge. As there are places on site where entry requirements include having a flashlight, and we always have to be wearing our badges, it works out well.

  2. “New skin” liquid bandage is great for small cuts. I have a propane torch with the coleman green bottle of propane, never know when you need to “heat” something up.. plus various fire starters. And a firmly zipped mouth… what they don’t know will hurt them heh heh.

  3. Change of clothes in your desk drawer at work is very underrated. All you have to do is spill coffee all overself once to understand the value of that.
    Gloves, socks, and belt for you clothes.
    Cordage of some sort is always handy and 100′ of 550 cord is small.
    Writing implement and paper. Even a small sheet in your wallet can be invaluable.
    $50 cash in with your registration and insurance; forget your wallet and run out of gas? You’re good! Buys you (hopefully) enough gas to get home and a cup of gas station coffee to go with your gas station sandwhich.
    Glow sticks in the car, substitute for road flares.
    Wire coat hanger in the car, 1001 farmers wire like uses. Especially helpful for jalopies and hoopties
    Water bottle.
    Multitool/leather man/or bit changing screwdriver. This is the most handy tool to me in my line of work on a day to day basis.
    Small flashlight of some sort.
    Spare car key/house key in your wallet or boot. Saved me a few times. Old boots had a small pocket on the outside of each, big enough for a key.

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