From the City of Berkeley, California.

Here are some highlights from of the text of the Declaration of Climate Emergency.

Human activities have warmed the Earth enough to end the 12,000-year period of climate stability that allowed agriculture and human civilization to develop.

I was not aware that we had 12,000 years of stable climate.  I remember reading about the Medieval Warm Period and subsequent little ice age and the first astronomers tracking sunspots.

But I guess Berkeley will engage in revisionist history and unperson a scientific phenomenon.

It is estimated that humanity currently uses the equivalent of about 1.6
earths per year in resource consumption and waste disposal, a figure that is headed toward 3 earths per year in 2030.

I guess Berkeley no longer teaches the law of conservation of mass.  How in the hell do you use 1.6 earths per year in resources?

indigenous and low-income communities and communities of color in the
United States and abroad have suffered the gravest consequences of the extractive economy since its inception.

Can’t have intersectionality without making something racist.

The death and destruction already wrought by global warming of 1°C
demonstrate that the earth is already too hot for safety and justice.

I know these assholes think that radical Islam is the fault of global warming, but Muhammad was butchering people in the desert 1,400 years before the industrial revolution.

Now I guess they are going to blame the death by the leading killers of the 20th century, Communism and tyrannical governments, on climate change too.

Pope Francis has declared that humanity is on the verge of a “global suicide,” noting that we will destroy ourselves if we destroy God’s creation, and has called for a life-sustaining economy.

Pope Francis has me believing in Saint Malachy’s Prophecy, also known as the Prophecy of the Popes.  I don’t think that Malachy was right that the last Pope will bring about the end of the world, but he will bring about the end of organized Catholicism.  Pope Francis is a radical Left wing, socialist, Social Justice Warrior Pope.  He seems to spend more time in public apologizing for Islamdemanding European nations take in racial Islamic refugees, and condemning American capitalism, than he does promoting the Catholic faith.

I have little interest or respect for what Che in Vestements has to say.

Here is where shit gets real:

During World War II, the Bay Area came together across race, age, class,
gender and other differences in an extraordinary regional mobilization, building and repairing Liberty ships, converting car assembly plants into tank manufacturing facilities, rapidly switching to mass transit systems, and serving as the most important symbol of freedom in the Pacific Theater during the war as well as the site of the signing of the United Nations Charter at its conclusion.

They are invoking WWII.

Reversing ecological overshoot and halting the sixth mass extinction
requires an effort to preserve and restore half Earth’s biodiversity in interconnected wildlife corridors and to humanely stabilize population, as well as a shift toward a climate-resilient society and culture that prioritize conservation, community, and mutual aid over consumerism and narcissism.

Communist genocide. That is communist genocide, no “ands, ifs, or buts” about it.

How do you “humanely stabilize [the] population” if people want to have more kids?

What coercive tactics do you use?  Also, what population is being “stabilized.”  Are you going to tell me that the Berkeley City Council is going to tell minority women to keep their legs shut, since black and Hispanic women have the highest demographic birth rates in mainland United States.

Somehow, I doubt it.

Well, if they end capitalism (consumerism) death from starvation and lack of medicine will soon follow, but that usually hits the poor the hardest.

I don’t know what Berkeley is actually going to do now that it adopted this resolution.

What I do know is that once again we see a radical, Leftist, anti-capitalist group of bureaucrats thinking that they can solve the problems of the world if only they could selectively reduce the human population.

This shit always ends with mass graves.

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By J. Kb

4 thoughts on “It always ends with mass graves”
  1. “How do you ‘humanely stabilize [the] population'”

    A few Ideas from history:

    Germany; Slave labor with no tools and few rations, forced sterilization, mass shootings, humane (for the murders) gas chambers.

    Russia, Cambodia, China, North Korea; Slave labor with no tools and few rations, and the ever popular Communist stand by, forced starvation.

    But at least the Earth will be “preserved.” Oops, how do we dispose all those surplus bodies? We can’t burn them, that will add CO-2 to the atmosphere, we can’t bury them, because we’re running out landfill space. I guess we’ll have to let them rot in the street and feed the scavengers. This has the added benefit of fostering disease that will kill more people.

  2. Last December we had daytime tempatures of – 18 to – 28 steady for 3 freakin WEEKS
    Summer time temps will sometimes exceed 90 degrees. Thats a swing of over 100 degrees!!!!!!! So the earth warms by 1 !! Degree celcius and it gonna implode????
    RIGHT!! I love these morons that think C02[ carbon dioxide] is gonna kill us. Trees take in C02 and give off OXYGEN look it up. 150 to 200 million gun owners in America- good luck “berkley”

    1. Commercial greenhouses and planted aquarium keepers supplement the CO2 available for their plants. Heck, reef aquariums receive supplemental CO2 to dissolve calcium so it’s available for corals to take up — which is the exact opposite of the “ocean acidification” scare they tried to start about a decade ago.

      In terms of Earth’s history, our time has relatively low levels of CO2.

      And, most importantly, CO2 only absorbs specific wavelengths of infrared; it lets other energy laws through. The amount already ( “naturally”) in the atmosphere is more than enough to absorb all the energy at those wavelengths. More CO2 won’t trap anymore heat, because all the best it could trap has already been accounted for.

  3. The best way to judge the scientific merits (or lack of same) of warmism is to attempt to find the raw data. It doesn’t seem to be available. I’ve searched pretty hard, but the closest I could find is a very large database of observations world-wide “corrected for seasonal variations”. As soon as I read that, I deleted the file I had downloaded. I’m not particularly interested in analyzing the outputs of someone’s “correction” algorithm.
    If the data isn’t public, it isn’t science. It is that simple.

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