From WHNT 19 news:

One person dead following shooting at a Madison Kroger

Madison Police are investigating a shooting at the Kroger on Wall Triana Highway on Sunday afternoon.

Police said they received the call around 4:00 p.m.

Upon arrival, officers said they found a person suffering from a gunshot wound.

Authorities said the shooting victim was taken to Hunstville Hospital ER and later died.

WHNT News 19’s crew on scene said officers took pictures of the scene and looked through cars.

Detectives said they are seeking out a person of interest at this time only described as a light skin black male.

This is the Kroger I do my weekly grocery shopping at.  I was not there when the shooting took place, but this is a good reminder of why it’s important to keep your guard up even when you are at the places you are most familiar and comfortable with.


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By J. Kb

2 thoughts on “It can happen where you live too – Kroger shooting edition”
  1. But Kroger banned guns in their stores, right*? I mean the media was crowing about that for daaaaaays. This has to be fake news.

    *yes, I know they merely asked customers not to open-carry, but the media (and a ton of people who should know better) were all screeching that Kroger had banned guns in their stores.

  2. We had a robbery/shooting in our local grocery store parking lot a few years ago. Someone was selling a phone via Craig’s list and the buyers decided to rob the seller. Didn’t work out for the buyers at all.

    We made it into a really good IDPA stage.

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