We lost my mom a year ago today. I miss her bunches.

She had a hard life, lost homes and a son, but her last decade of life, she got some rest and I would dare say happiness living free with her son and her “daughter” as she always referred to my wife.

I believe she is now Up There finally getting my departed dad  back in shape, making sure he is not dressed like a “vago” (bum) and eating right.

Mom always said plants, specially the ones you cared the most, felt when people were gone. She had tale after tale to tell you about how somebody’s tree dried up or somebody’s bush stopped flowering after the owner died. I smiled and let her be with her Old Country beliefs that made her happy. Some things simply are not worth arguing about and only cause unnecessary sorrow.

But we have mom’s orchid

It had started to bloom after she died and it reached its best in February when I posted about it.

And then… it locked down. The flowers eventually died and the orchid did not seems to want to “progress” as mom used to say. I have been at it 11 months straight keeping it alive, but not seeing any changes for the better.

I checked out this morning and there is a bit of hope and happiness today:

Find the dichotomy interesting: one section dry and another still fighting.

We have one flower coming. And also, some growth seems to once again be in the works.

There is sorrow, but Life continues and on that alone, we must rejoice.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

2 thoughts on “It has been a year.”
  1. Oh man – not to be a dick, but I really have to disagree with your Mom. We still have plants from our grandparents who passed 20 years ago. What do they call them? Perennials? I am not a gardener, but my Grandma was. So was the wife’s.
    It’s so weird. After 20 years, it still feels like I should be able to pick up a phone and call them…

    Have a merry christmas and a very happy new year!

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