(a) No funds appropriated pursuant to any provisions of law may be used for any educational institution which punishes a student as a result of any of the following actions by the student:
(1) brandishing a pastry or other food which is partially consumed in such a way that the remnant resembles a gun;
(2) possession of a toy gun which is two inches or less;
(3) possession of a toy gun made of plastic snap together building blocks;
(4) using a finger or hand to simulate a gun;
(5) vocalizing imaginary firearms or munitions;
(6) wearing a T-shirt that supports Second Amendment rights;
(7) drawing a picture of, or possessing an image of, a firearm; or
(8) using a pencil, pen or other writing utensil to simulate a firearm.via Bill Text – 113th Congress (2013-2014) – THOMAS (Library of Congress).
I am not a great fan of “There ought to be a law” and that we must resolve to a bill in congress to rescue some semblance of common sense, makes anybody with common sense a bit depressed.
Hat Tip to Ken S. via Facebook.
It is a good bill, but I agree, the fact that it’s even being considered is a sign that something is wrong.
On the plus side, it looks like it basically sums up to “You punish a student for playing with a pop-tart gun, WE PULL YOUR FUNDING.”
Hope it passes.
The only Zero Tolerance Policy needs to be that you can’t have a Zero Tolerance Policy, except for the one that doesn’t allow Zero Tolerance Policies 🙂
marC’s of Hypocrisy: Never say never.
This should make things easier in college. We constantly got stares and reprimands back when I was in school because my friends and I hit each other with sticks on Fridays. Playing with padded foam swords and whatnot is a fun way to relieve stress…but not according to the tuttut-ers from the nearby buildings.
The student groups coming to tour the campus though loved us, and a few parents pointed at us and we either got “damn that looks fun” or “OMFG EVIILLLL”. The second group we hope never send their kids to the college.
I engaged in a rather significant amount of boffer fighting during my educational career. Never got any weird looks that I can recall.
Most of the weird looks came from concerned edumaca…I mean Administrators.
This shouldn’t have had to be considered, but since schools absolutely will not use common sense per their Zero Intelligence policies, SOMEONE has got to do something! ‘Bout time, too!
Finally…some common sense legislation that actually contains common sense, and is actually about Teh Childrenz.
Although, it does make me want to cry that common sense has to be reintroduced into the US via a bill.