Holy shit this fucking guy!
Prosecutor: "Your videos that you have captured of these incidents that you call 'riots' they're very slanted against the people who are rioting. You characterize them as 'Antifa, BLM rioters.' Correct?"@DrewHLive: "Because they are rioting in the footage, yes absolutely." pic.twitter.com/XjRuJCaLFt
— The Columbia Bugle ?? (@ColumbiaBugle) November 11, 2021
This is a prosecutor who wants the jury to have sympathy for rioters?
The actual fuck is that?
And he gets slammed with another one-liner zinger that makes him look stupid.
He can’t be that dumb, this is purposeful.
Never underestimate the inability of people diggings hole to realize that they must stop.
Yes … But when they are at “Atoms for Peace” levels of excavation, you’d think they’d maybe start noticing.
It’s one of those odd quirks of human nature to double down, and hope the problem goes away. Pathological liars do this on a regular basis.
At this point, the prosecution has moved to “pound the table” desperation flop sweat. Because he’s just some schmuck in way over his head, someone who’s chops aren’t up to the gig, and he’s panicking.
The word that should have been included in the discussion of interpolation in the trial today:
That’s the tendency of the human brain to detect false patterns. They’re taking a grainy, blurry video still, having a program create 20x more pixels than originally existed, and claiming the things they see in it are real.
I am 100% convinced the DA has realized that he is shackled to a dog of a case that should not have been brought to trial. He is trying to thread the needle of getting a mistrial declared without prejudice so somebody else can refile and try again. If he succeeds, he will retire, resign or move somewhere else to run from any fall out. Some other poor schmuck will get saddled with this nightmare and try to convict on reduced charges. If it is dismissed with prejudice, Rittenhouse cannot be retried and walks free. Everyone will hold the DA up as the chump that he is and his career is over.
The judge has given the DA enough rope to hang himself, but also doesn’t want to declare a mistrial because then the media/left will crucify him for allowing Rittenhouse to walk.
The jury is going to be threatened with more riots and personal doxing if they do not convict. We have already seen tweets to that effect.
All parties are playing chicken to see who is going to be left holding the bag. The end result is that there will be more violence, more rioting and more usurpation of our legal system.
I very seriously and strongly doubt that we’re going to see rioting over this case.
It’s a white guy shooting other white guys, and honestly, neither side really cares enough to riot over it.
I’ve seen that theory floated around: that the ADA is trying to get a mistrial without prejudice so the State can have a “do-over” and fix all their stupid mistakes…
… and/or financially destroy Kyle Rittenhouse by forcing him to cover the expense of two trials’ legal defense.
Think, “The process is the punishment,” writ large. Twice.
My understanding is Kyle’s legal team is working pro bono for this case (I could be wrong), but that cannot last forever. OTOH, from the State’s perspective, there’s no downside in financially punishing them for helping Kyle, either.
It is November in Wisconsin. They are getting Snow Saturday. It is below freezing at night. If they riot, call out the Fire Departmant and soak all the protesters.