The media hates being called Fake News by President Donald Trump.

Every time he does it, they go apoplectic.

They deserve it, and so much worse.

So, in the year following the Parkland shooting we learned an amazing amount about the incompetence of Sheriff Scott “Amazing Leadership” Israel, Captain “Tits” Jordan, and the Chicken Shit Coward Scot Peterson.  Not to mention the rest of the bumble fuckery of the Broward County Sheriffs Office in TWO shootings, first the Ft. Lauderdale Airport than Parkland.

We learned about the inability of the BSO and FBI to act on tips against Nikolas Cruz.

We learned about how under prepared the school was and how every adult charged with the protection of those kids was a useless jagoff with both thumbs up their ass.  Seriously, adults with radios saw Cruz walking around with a rifle and didn’t call a code red.

We learned how Broward School Superintendent “Look the other way” Runcie, lied and covered his ass about Cruz being part of the Promise program.

All of this was so bad that the Governor took the extraordinary step of removing Scott Israel from his position.

Faithful readers of this blog know how Miguel and I have documented this corruption, incompetence, and cowardice for a year.

The Sun Sentinel deserves every award for their exposure of all of this.

CNN on the other hand…

Just one week after the Parkland shooting CNN orchestrated a two hour long two minute hate, in which Marco Rubio, Dana Loesch, and the NRA in general were made into the Emmanuel Goldstein of gun rights.

Parkland students were encouraged to scream at Republican politicians and gun rights supporters, saying they had blood on their hands and they let kids get killed for money.  All while Sheriff Israel sat there avoided culpability.

It was a travesty.

A year later, after everything we learned, CNN was proud to announce it had won an award for it.

That was a two hour fake news event, covering for the Sheriff and School that failed so miserably 14 kids were killed, and blamed people for the deaths who had nothing to do with the crime.

Fake news.

That’s not all.

The media loves to say that Trump is the greatest threat to journalism world wide.  The love being the victim of Trump, even as they spend 93% of their coverage of him being negative and antagonistic.

Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan actually imprisons journalists.

This is a Newsweek headline.


PRI ran this article.

Turkey jails more journalists than any other nation. Those in detention are all terrorists, Erdogan says.

These next two are from The Washington Post.

I’m a journalist in a Turkish jail. Why is Erdogan afraid of people like me.

Erdogan stood up for Khashoggi — while Turkey jails more journalists than any other country.

Why is this important?  Well, The Washington Post let Tayyip Erdogan write an OpEd for them.

See, the OpEd says that right wing white men are like ISIS and that was just so in line with the beliefs of the WaPo opinion board that they couldn’t let that go unpublished.

So the world’s leading jailer of journalists is given space to write an OpEd for Western media when the OpEd agrees with the political bigotry of Western media.

But Trump is still a threat.

Fake News.

And of course I can’t close a post on the Media without reminding readers that the New York Times still holds onto the Pulitzer given to Walter Duranty for covering up the Holodomor.

These people are partisan shit peddlers, and don’t their their self righteous hysterics convince you otherwise.

Spread the love

By J. Kb

5 thoughts on “It hurts because it’s True”
  1. Congratulations to the CommieNewsNetwork. They’ve single-handedly devalued the worth of the Cronkite Award to that of a 2-week-old pile of cat turds, much like their “chosen one” Obama did for the Nobel.

    Since they wipe their collective asses with the US Constitution on a daily basis, guess this is not really that much of a surprise.

  2. They should put everyone on the CNN payroll on the “no-fly list” since they support terrorism. How much news can they gather by bus? Oh, wait! I forgot that they don’t gather news any more.

  3. I for one thought giving them an award named after Walter Cronkite was entirely appropriate, considering he was the man who lied about the Tet Offensive and called it a great defeat for us when it was the VC who were virtually wiped out.

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