Via Legal Insurrection:

The Hill:

The investigation stems from a report by the nonprofit group Accountable.US which found that the company is the registrar for eight groups that were involved in activities leading up to the Jan. 6 riot.

A spokesperson for GoDaddy told The Hill that it is now looking into those connections, and stressed that using its service to “promote, encourage or engage in violence” violates company policies.

“If content goes beyond the exercise of expression and crosses over to inciting violence, we will take appropriate action,” the spokesperson added.

Accountable.US’s report, first obtained by The Hill, found that the online store of the right-wing militia group Oath Keepers is hosted by GoDaddy, which also serves as the site’s domain registrar.

The report also notes that GoDaddy is the domain registrar for pro-Trump student group Turning Point USA.

The nonprofit arm of the group bused supporters to the “March to Save America” rally ahead of the storming and its founder Charlie Kirk promoted the false narrative that the November election was stolen from former President Trump.

Women For America First’s website is also registered by GoDaddy, according to Accountable.US’s report. The group headed up the organization of the rally and had been urging supporters to join a “caravan” headed to the event….

Kyle Herrig, president of Accountable.US, said that GoDaddy should have already severed ties with the websites in the report.

“The mainstream online vendors shouldn’t have to wait for public scrutiny before cutting ties with groups that traffic in hate and dangerous rhetoric,” he told The Hill in a statement. “That’s a value judgment, and for some reason they have yet to render one against the groups that incited the deadly sedition at the Capitol.”

If you are still being hosted by anybody form Amazon to Google to, you need to get your ass moving NOW and find suitable alternatives. Check with Troglodyte (look on the right) and with Divemedic for budget hosting.

These idiots trying to silence us do not understand that it will come to the point where the usual speech will be substituted by loud and continuous crack and booms.

And that kind of speech they will truly hate and be fearful about.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

5 thoughts on “It is not paranoia if they are coming after you.”
  1. My suggestion is to find an offshore host that can ignore commands, threats, subpoenas, etc., from the US Government and in a country that has a high regard for free speech. Also, do all you can to disguise any links between your blog and you as an actual person (such as private domain ownership, which prevents your information from showing up on ‘whois’ searches). Pay with cryptocurrency if possible.

    1. I’ve long been tempted to get a .pn domain registration. (Look it up.)

      Does Troglodyte do domain registration? Name servers?

      1. I can host blogs on the server I am leasing in a country that respects speech. I also am using a provider that has assured me that they will not respond to demands.
        I can host blogs at a cost of $25 per month, payable quarterly. I have some domains that I already own, and you can choose from one of them without charge. If you want a custom domain and it is available, I will get it for you at my cost. My IT guy can transfer your blog for a fee, or he can set you up with a new one.
        I am not looking to make money here. This server is costing me quite a bit, and has much more capability than I need. I am hoping to make it more affordable for everyone (me included) by allowing others to use the excess capabilities and sharing the cost.

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